OSG 0.6.0 installation notes for the osgitb1 cluster ==================================================== Reference page: https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/twiki/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/CEInstallGuide This assumes a working cluster with shared /home/, /opt/ and /usr/local/ file systems, as well as a shared NIS domain -- or synced /etc/password files -- and a pre-installed Condor installation in /usr/local/condor/ . mkdir /opt/osg-0.6.0 export VDT_LOCATION=/opt/osg-0.6.0 cd /opt/pacman/latest source setup.sh cd $VDT_LOCATION export VDTSETUP_CONDOR_LOCATION=/usr/local/condor export VDTSETUP_CONDOR_CONFIG=/usr/local/condor/etc/condor_config # Note: pacman installation failed because of RHEL5 incompatibility. # So we have to pretend it is RHEL4 export VDT_ALLOW_UNSUPPORTED=y export VDT_PRETEND_32=y pacman -pretend-platform:RHEL-4 pacman -trust-all-caches -get OSG:ce pacman -get OSG:Globus-Condor-Setup source setup.sh ---------------- # Add to vdt/etc/vdt-local-setup.sh: export GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE="63001,65000" export GLOBUS_TCP_SOURCE_RANGE="63001,65000" # Add to vdt/etc/vdt-local-setup.csh: setenv GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE "63001,65000" setenv GLOBUS_TCP_SOURCE_RANGE "63001,65000" # Add to globus/etc/globus-job-manager.conf: -globus-tcp-port-range 63001,65000 # Add to globus/etc/globus-user-env.sh: export GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE="63001,65000" export GLOBUS_TCP_SOURCE_RANGE="63001,65000" # Add to globus/etc/globus-user-env.csh: setenv GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE "63001,65000" setenv GLOBUS_TCP_SOURCE_RANGE "63001,65000" $VDT_LOCATION/vdt/setup/setup-cert-request q ./globus/bin/grid-cert-request -host osgitb1.nhn.ou.edu ./globus/bin/grid-cert-request -host osgitb1.nhn.ou.edu -service http # Note: If you don't have Admin rights to make your own certificates, # you have to follow the cert-request procedure on the TWiki web page chown -R daemon. globus/etc/http ln -s $VDT_LOCATION/globus/etc/http /etc/grid-security/ ln -s $VDT_LOCATION/globus/etc/hostcert.pem $VDT_LOCATION/globus/etc/hostkey.pem /etc/grid-security/ cp -p /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem /etc/grid-security/containercert.pem cp -p /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem /etc/grid-security/containerkey.pem chown globus. /etc/grid-security/container* vdt-control --list vdt-register-service --name gums-host-cron --disable vdt-register-service --name edg-mkgridmap --enable vdt-register-service --name MLD --enable vdt-control --on --force mkdir /home/osg_data /usr/local/osg_app chown grid. /home/osg_data /usr/local/osg_app chmod g+w /home/osg_data /usr/local/osg_app cd monitoring/ ./configure-osg.sh *********************************************************************** Specify your OSG GROUP [OSG]: OSG-ITB Specify your OSG HOSTNAME [osgitb1.nhn.ou.edu]: Specify your OSG SITE NAME [UNAVAILABLE]: OUHEP_ITB Specify your VO sponsors [UNAVAILABLE]: usatlas, dzero, dosar Specify your policy url [UNAVAILABLE]: http://www-hep.nhn.ou.edu/ Specify a contact for your server (full name) [UNAVAILABLE]: Horst Severini Specify the contact's email address [UNAVAILABLE]: hs@nhn.ou.edu Specify your server's city [UNAVAILABLE]: Norman, OK Specify your server's country [UNAVAILABLE]: USA Specify your server's longitude [UNAVAILABLE]: -97.4465 Specify your server's latitude [UNAVAILABLE]: 35.2070 Specify your OSG GRID path [UNAVAILABLE]: /opt/osgwn-0.6.0 Specify your OSG APP path [UNAVAILABLE]: /usr/local/osg_app Specify your OSG DATA path [UNAVAILABLE]: /home/osg_data Specify your OSG WN_TMP path [UNAVAILABLE]: /myhome1/atlas/osg/tmp Specify your OSG SITE_READ path [UNAVAILABLE]: /home/osg_data Specify your OSG SITE_WRITE path [UNAVAILABLE]: /home/osg_data Is a storage element (SE) available [n] (y/n): Would you like to start the MonALISA monitoring services [n] (y/n): y Are you using Ganglia [y] (y/n): n Do you want to run the OSG VO Modules [y] (y/n): Would you like to use the squid caching service [y] (y/n): n Specify your batch queue manager OSG_JOB_MANAGER [UNAVAILABLE]: condor Specify installation directory for condor [UNAVAILABLE]: /usr/local/condor Specify the Condor config location []: /usr/local/condor/etc/condor_config Are you using the ManagedFork service [] (y/n): n Do you want to publish your gums status through GIP (Y/n): [n] Do you want to publish your SRM information through GIP (Y/n): [n] Please enter SE where gsiftp is running: [UNAVAILABLE] osgitb1.nhn.ou.edu Please enter the Access Path on osgitb1.nhn.ou.edu: [UNAVAILABLE] /home/osg_data *********************************************************************** cd - vdt-control --off export EDITOR=emacs visudo # add the following to /etc/sudoers: ----- Runas_Alias GLOBUSUSERS = ALL, !root globus ALL=(GLOBUSUSERS) \ NOPASSWD: /opt/osg-0.6.0/globus/libexec/globus-gridmap-and-execute \ -g /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile \ /opt/osg-0.6.0/globus/libexec/globus-job-manager-script.pl * globus ALL=(GLOBUSUSERS) \ NOPASSWD: /opt/osg-0.6.0/globus/libexec/globus-gridmap-and-execute \ -g /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile \ /opt/osg-0.6.0/globus/libexec/globus-gram-local-proxy-tool * ----- $VDT_LOCATION/monitoring/site-status on vdt-control --on # Instal OSG worker node client: mkdir /opt/osgwn-0.6.0 cd /opt/osgwn-0.6.0 pacman -get OSG:wn-client