OSG 1.0.0 installation on ouhep0 (9/4/2008): =========================================== Documentation: https://twiki.grid.iu.edu/bin/view/ReleaseDocumentation/ComputeElementInstall # Unset PATH because of old openssl from osg-0.6.0 in the PATH; # should not be necessary anymore in the next version: export PATH=/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/java/jdk/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH mkdir /opt/osg-1.0.0 export VDT_LOCATION=/opt/osg-1.0.0 export OLD_VDT_LOCATION=/opt/osg-0.6.0 cd /opt/pacman/latest source setup.sh cd - cd $VDT_LOCATION export VDTSETUP_CONDOR_LOCATION=/usr/local/condor export VDTSETUP_CONDOR_CONFIG=/usr/local/condor/etc/condor_config time pacman -trust-all-caches -get OSG:ce time pacman -get OSG:Globus-Condor-Setup ---- # In s different root window, do the following to stop the current # osg-0.6.0 services: . /opt/osg-0.6.0/setup.sh vdt-control --off # Make sure that all osg processes are stopped by checking using ps -ef|grep osg ---- # In the original root window, continue as below: cp -fp /etc/services /etc/services.save mv /etc/grid-security /etc/grid-security-0.6.0 mkdir /etc/grid-security cp -p /etc/grid-security-0.6.0/container*.pem /etc/grid-security-0.6.0/host*.pem /etc/grid-security-0.6.0/grid-mapfile /etc/grid-security rm /opt/osg ln -s osg-1.0.0 /opt/osg mv /etc/grid-security globus; ln -s /opt/osg/globus/grid-security /etc ln -s ../TRUSTED_CA globus/grid-security/certificates source setup.sh $VDT_LOCATION/vdt/setup/setup-cert-request q echo gmf_local /opt/osg/edg/etc/grid-mapfile-local >> edg/etc/edg-mkgridmap.conf cp -a /opt/osg-0.6.0/globus/etc/http globus/etc/ ln -s ../etc/http globus/grid-security/ ./globus/bin/grid-cert-request -host ouhep0.nhn.ou.edu -service rsv # get rsvcert.pem from doegrids web site chown -R mis. globus/etc/rsv/ # this once, have to add the RSV cert to grid-mapfile-local: "/DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=Services/CN=rsv/ouhep0.nhn.ou.edu" mis rm ../osgwn ln -s osg-1.0.0 /opt/osgwn-1.0.0 ln -s osgwn-1.0.0 /opt/osgwn vdt-control --list vdt-control --enable vdt-update-certs vdt-control --enable edg-mkgridmap vdt-control --enable MLD export EDITOR=emacs visudo # add (or modify) the following to /etc/sudoers: ----- Runas_Alias GLOBUSUSERS = ALL, !root globus ALL=(GLOBUSUSERS) \ NOPASSWD: /scratch/opt/osg-1.0.0/globus/libexec/globus-gridmap-and-execute \ -g /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile \ /scratch/opt/osg-1.0.0/globus/libexec/globus-job-manager-script.pl * globus ALL=(GLOBUSUSERS) \ NOPASSWD: /scratch/opt/osg-1.0.0/globus/libexec/globus-gridmap-and-execute \ -g /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile \ /scratch/opt/osg-1.0.0/globus/libexec/globus-gram-local-proxy-tool * ----- vdt-control --on # create and add the following to monitoring/osg-local-user-vo-map.txt: hs dosar karunach dosar # Need to manually generate the /opt/osg-1.0/monitoring/osg-user-vo-map.txt # file before running configure-osg.sh script. Otherwise GIP will complain # that this file isn't found (or about gums). So use the following command. ./edg/sbin/edg-mkgridmap cd monitoring export VDT_LOCATION=/opt/osg-1.0.0 export OLD_VDT_LOCATION=/opt/osg-0.6.0 ./configure-osg.sh ---- Specify your OSG GROUP [OSG]: Specify your OSG HOSTNAME [ouhep0.nhn.ou.edu]: Specify your OSG SITE NAME [OUHEP_OSG]: Specify your VO sponsors [usatlas, dzero, dosar]: Specify your policy url [http://www-hep.nhn.ou.edu/]: Specify a contact for your server (full name) [Horst Severini]: Specify the contact's email address [hs@nhn.ou.edu]: Specify your server's city [Norman, OK]: Specify your server's country [USA]: Specify your server's longitude [-97.4465]: Specify your server's latitude [35.2070]: Specify your OSG GRID path [/opt/osgwn]: Specify your OSG APP path [/atlas2/software/grid3appdata/app]: /atlas/software/gridappdata/app Specify your OSG DATA path [/atlas2/software/grid3appdata/data]: /atlas/software/gridappdata/data Specify your OSG WN_TMP path [/myhome1/atlas/grid3/tmp]: /myhome1/atlas/grid/tmp Specify your OSG SITE_READ path [/atlas2/software/grid3appdata/data]: /atlas/software/gridappdata/data Specify your OSG SITE_WRITE path [/atlas2/software/grid3appdata/data]: /atlas/software/gridappdata/data Is a storage element (SE) available [n] (y/n): Would you like to start the MonALISA monitoring services [y] (y/n): y Are you using Ganglia [n] (y/n): y Specify your Ganglia host [ouhep0]: localhost Specify your Ganglia port [UNAVAILABLE]: 8649 Do you want to run the OSG VO Modules [y] (y/n): Would you like to use the squid caching service [n] (y/n): Specify your batch queue manager OSG_JOB_MANAGER [condor]: Specify installation directory for condor [/usr/local/condor]: Specify the Condor config location [/usr/local/condor/etc/condor_config]: Are you using the ManagedFork service [n] (y/n): Would you like to use the WS-GRAM service [n] (y/n): y Would you like to use the Syslog-NG service [n] (y/n): y Would you like to use the CA certificate updater service [n] (y/n): y Are you using GLExec [n] (y/n): What is a unique name for this Subcluster? [ouhep0.nhn.ou.edu] What is the Vendor of the processor? (i.e. Intel, AMD) [AuthenticAMD] GenuineIntel What is the Model of the processor? [ AMD Athlon(tm) MP 1800+ AMD Athlon(tm) Processor] Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.80GHz What is the Clockspeed of the processor? [1533] 2800 How many physical CPUs in each node? [2] How many logical CPUs in each node? [2] How much RAM is in each node (in MB)? [2075] 1024 Is there Inbound connectivity to these nodes? (i.e. TRUE, FALSE) [FALSE] Is there Outbound connectivity to these nodes? (i.e. TRUE, FALSE) [TRUE] How many nodes in this subcluster? [1] 30 Do you want to publish your SRM information through GIP (Y/n): [n] Please enter SE where gsiftp is running: [UNDEFINED] ouhep00.nhn.ou.edu Please enter the Access Path on ouhep00.nhn.ou.edu: [UNDEFINED] /raid2/dq2-cache/ ---- cd - vdt-control --off sh $VDT_LOCATION/monitoring/site-status on # add DOSAR group to MonaLisa/Service/VDTFarm/ml.properties : lia.Monitor.group=OSG,DOSAR ## get voms stuff working -- not necessary: #cd globus/grid-security/ #mv vomsdir vomsdir.orig #tar zxf /atlas/tar/osg/vomsdir.tar.gz #cd - # copy samgrid stuff over from old version: cp -a /opt/osg-0.6.0/globus/grid-security/sam /etc/grid-security/ # configure rsv $VDT_LOCATION/osg-rsv/setup/configure_osg_rsv --user mis --init --server y --ce-probes --ce-uri "ouhep0.nhn.ou.edu" --gridftp-probes --gratia --grid-type "OSG" --verbose --consumers --setup-for-apache --use-rsv-cert --rsv-cert-file /opt/osg/globus/etc/rsv/rsvcert.pem --rsv-key-file /opt/osg/globus/etc/rsv/rsvkey.pem vdt-control --on # Upgrade CA services: cd /opt/osg . setup.sh # vdt-control --off <- not done pacman -update CA-Certificates pacman -update Configure-Cert-Request emacs vdt/etc/vdt-update-certs.conf # uncomment following line (OSG CA location): cacerts_url = http://software.grid.iu.edu/pacman/cadist/ca-certs-version . vdt-questions.sh ./vdt/sbin/vdt-setup-ca-certificates vdt-control --enable vdt-update-certs # vdt-control --on <- not done vdt-control --on vdt-update-certs # Upgrade RSV: cd /opt/osg . setup.sh pacman -update CA-Certificates-Updater pacman -update OSG-RSV-Probes # Future new installs: time pacman -trust-all-caches -get OSG:ce time pacman -get OSG:Globus-Condor-Setup emacs vdt/etc/vdt-update-certs.conf # uncomment following line (OSG CA location): cacerts_url = http://software.grid.iu.edu/pacman/cadist/ca-certs-version . vdt-questions.sh ./vdt/sbin/vdt-setup-ca-certificates ./vdt/sbin/vdt-update-certs-wrapper --vdt-install $VDT_LOCATION --called-from-cron