

Pmw.HistoryText() - ...






Options for this megawidget and its base classes are described below.

Initialisation option. If true, the borderframe component will be created. The default is 0.

The horizontal scroll mode. If 'none', the horizontal scrollbar will never be displayed. If 'static', the scrollbar will always be displayed. If 'dynamic', the scrollbar will be displayed only if necessary. The default is 'dynamic'.

Initialisation option. If the labelpos option is not None, this specifies the distance between the label component and the rest of the megawidget. The default is 0.

Initialisation option. Specifies where to place the label component. If not None, it should be a concatenation of one or two of the letters 'n', 's', 'e' and 'w'. The first letter specifies on which side of the megawidget to place the label. If a second letter is specified, it indicates where on that side to place the label. For example, if labelpos is 'w', the label is placed in the center of the left hand side; if it is 'wn', the label is placed at the top of the left hand side; if it is 'ws', the label is placed at the bottom of the left hand side.

If None, a label component is not created. The default is None.

Initialisation option. The distance between the scrollbars and the text widget. The default is 2.

The default is None.

Initialisation option. If true, the size of the megawidget is determined solely by the width and height options of the hull component.

Otherwise, the size of the megawidget is determined by the width and height of the text component, along with the size and/or existence of the other components, such as the label, the scrollbars and the scrollmargin option. All these affect the overall size of the megawidget. The default is 0.

The vertical scroll mode. If 'none', the vertical scrollbar will never be displayed. If 'static', the scrollbar will always be displayed. If 'dynamic', the scrollbar will be displayed only if necessary. The default is 'dynamic'.


Components created by this megawidget and its base classes are described below.

A frame widget which snuggly fits around the text widget, to give the appearance of a text border. It is created with a border so that the text widget, which is created without a border, looks like it has a border. By default, this component is a Tkinter.Frame.

The horizontal scrollbar. By default, this component is a Tkinter.Scrollbar. Its component group is Scrollbar.

This acts as the body for the entire megawidget. Other components are created as children of the hull to further specialise the widget. By default, this component is a Tkinter.Frame.

If the labelpos option is not None, this component is created as a text label for the megawidget. See the labelpos option for details. Note that to set, for example, the text option of the label, you need to use the label_text component option. By default, this component is a Tkinter.Label.

The text widget which is scrolled by the scrollbars. If the borderframe option is true, this is created with a borderwidth of 0 to overcome a known problem with text widgets: if a widget inside a text widget extends across one of the edges of the text widget, then the widget obscures the border of the text widget. Therefore, if the text widget has no border, then this overlapping does not occur. By default, this component is a Tkinter.Text.

The vertical scrollbar. By default, this component is a Tkinter.Scrollbar. Its component group is Scrollbar.


Only methods specific to this megawidget are described below. For a description of its inherited methods, see the manuals for its base classes.








Example code using Pmw.HistoryText.

class Demo:
    def __init__(self, parent):
        # Create and pack the PanedWidget to hold the query and result
        # windows.
        # !! panedwidget should automatically size to requested size
        panedWidget = Pmw.PanedWidget(parent,
                orient = 'vertical',
                hull_height = 400,
                hull_width = 450)
        panedWidget.add('query', min = 0.05, size = 0.2)
        panedWidget.add('buttons', min = 0.1, max = 0.1)
        panedWidget.add('results', min = 0.05)
        panedWidget.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)

        # Create and pack the HistoryText.
        self.historyText = Pmw.HistoryText(panedWidget.pane('query'),
                text_wrap = 'none',
                text_width = 60,
                text_height = 10,
                statechangecmd = self.statechange,
        self.historyText.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)
        self.historyText.statechangecmd = self.statechange

        buttonList = (
            ['Prev', self.historyText.prev],
            ['Search', Pmw.busycallback(],
            ['Clear', self.clear],
            ['Undo', self.historyText.undo],
            ['Redo', self.historyText.redo],
        self.buttonDict = {}

        for text, cmd in buttonList:
            button = Tkinter.Button(panedWidget.pane('buttons'),
                    text = text, command = cmd)
            button.pack(side = 'left')
            self.buttonDict[text] = button

        for text in ('Prev', 'Next'):
            self.buttonDict[text].configure(state = 'disabled')

        self.results = Pmw.ScrolledText(panedWidget.pane('results'), text_wrap = 'none')
        self.results.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1)

    def statechange(self, prevstate, nextstate):
        self.buttonDict['Prev'].configure(state = prevstate)
        self.buttonDict['Next'].configure(state = nextstate)

    def clear(self):
        self.historyText.delete('1.0', 'end')

    def addnewlines(self, text):
        if len(text) == 1:
            text = text + '\n'
        if text[-1] != '\n':
            text = text + '\n'
        if text[-2] != '\n':
            text = text + '\n'
        return text

    def search(self):
        sql = self.historyText.get()
        self.results.insert('end', self.addnewlines(sql))
        deleteSemiColon = '[\n;]+$'
        results = 'foo'
        if len(results) > 0:
            self.results.insert('end', self.addnewlines(results))

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