#ifndef ROOT_THtml
#define ROOT_THtml
// //
// THtml //
// //
// Html makes a documentation for all ROOT classes //
// using Hypertext Markup Language 2.0 //
// //
#ifndef ROOT_TNamed
#include "TNamed.h"
class TClass;
class TVirtualPad;
class THtml : public TObject {
TString fXwho; // by default http://xwho.cern.ch/WHO/people?
const Char_t *fSourceDir; // source path
const Char_t *fOutputDir; // output directory
Char_t *fLine; // current line
Int_t fLen; // maximum line length
Char_t *fCounter; // counter string
Bool_t fEscFlag; // Flag to mark the symbol must be written "as is"
Char_t fEsc; // The special symbol ("backslash" by default) to mark "the next symbol should not be converted
void Class2Html (TClass *classPtr, Bool_t force=kFALSE);
void ClassDescription (ofstream &out, TClass *classPtr, Bool_t &flag);
void ClassTree (TVirtualPad *canvas, TClass *classPtr, Bool_t force=kFALSE);
Bool_t CopyHtmlFile (const Char_t *sourceName, const Char_t *destName="");
void CreateIndex (const Char_t **classNames, Int_t numberOfClasses);
void CreateIndexByTopic (Char_t **filenames, Int_t numberOfNames, Int_t maxLen);
void CreateListOfTypes ();
void DerivedClasses (ofstream &out, TClass *classPtr);
void ExpandKeywords (ofstream &out, Char_t *text, TClass *ptr2class, Bool_t &flag, const Char_t *dir="");
void ExpandPpLine (ofstream &out, Char_t *line);
TClass *GetClass(const Text_t *name, Bool_t load=kTRUE);
const Char_t *GetFileName (const Char_t *filename);
Char_t *GetHtmlFileName (TClass *classPtr);
Bool_t IsModified (TClass *classPtr, const Int_t type);
Bool_t IsName (Int_t c);
Bool_t IsWord (Int_t c);
void ReplaceSpecialChars (ofstream &out, const Char_t c);
void ReplaceSpecialChars (ofstream &out, const Char_t *string);
void SortNames (const Char_t **strings, Int_t num, Bool_t type=0);
Char_t *StrDup (const Char_t *s1, Int_t n = 1);
friend Int_t CaseSensitiveSort (const void *name1, const void *name2);
friend Int_t CaseInsensitiveSort (const void *name1, const void *name2);
virtual ~THtml();
void Convert ( const Text_t *filename, const Text_t *title, const Text_t *dirname = "" );
const Char_t *GetSourceDir() { return fSourceDir; }
const Char_t *GetOutputDir() { return fOutputDir; }
const Char_t *GetXwho() const { return fXwho.Data(); }
void MakeAll ( Bool_t force=kFALSE );
void MakeClass ( Text_t *className, Bool_t force=kFALSE );
void MakeIndex ();
void MakeTree ( Text_t *className, Bool_t force=kFALSE );
void SetEscape(Char_t esc='\\') {fEsc = esc;}
void SetSourceDir ( const Char_t *dir ) { fSourceDir = dir; }
void SetOutputDir ( const Char_t *dir ) { fOutputDir = dir; }
void SetXwho(const char *xwho) {fXwho = xwho;}
Bool_t IsModified() { return TObject::IsModified(); }
virtual void WriteHtmlHeader(ofstream &out, const Char_t *title);
virtual void WriteHtmlFooter(ofstream &out, const char *dir="", const char *lastUpdate="",
const char *author="", const char *copyright="");
ClassDef(THtml,0) //Convert class(es) into HTML file(s)
R__EXTERN THtml *gHtml;