//*CMZ :  2.23/07 25/10/99  15.43.12  by  Fons Rademakers
//*CMZ :  2.23/04 13/10/99  16.01.02  by  Fons Rademakers
//*CMZ :  2.23/03 27/09/99  11.14.16  by  Rene Brun
//*CMZ :  2.22/10 04/08/99  16.35.50  by  Fons Rademakers
//*CMZ :  2.22/04 01/06/99  15.21.40  by  Fons Rademakers
//*CMZ :  2.22/01 28/04/99  12.10.14  by  Fons Rademakers
//*-- Author :    Rene Brun   07/01/95

 * Copyright(c) 1995-1999, The ROOT System, All rights reserved.         *
 * Authors: Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.                               *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/AA_LICENSE.                      *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/AA_CREDITS.                 *

//                                                                      //
//  The ROOT global object gROOT contains a list of all defined         //
//  classes. This list is build when a reference to a class dictionary  //
//  is made. When this happens, the static "class"::Dictionary()        //
//  function is called to create a TClass object describing the         //
//  class. The Dictionary() function is defined in the ClassDef         //
//  macro and stored (at program startup or library load time) together //
//  with the class name in the TClassTable singleton object.            //
//  For a description of all dictionary classes see TDictionary.        //
//                                                                      //

//*-*x7.5 macros/layout_class

#include <iostream.h>

#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TBaseClass.h"
#include "TBrowser.h"
#include "TDataMember.h"
#include "TMethod.h"
#include "TMethodArg.h"
#include "TDataType.h"
#include "TRealData.h"
#include "TVirtualPad.h"
//*KEEP,TInterpreter, T=C++.
#include "TInterpreter.h"
#include "TBuffer.h"
#include "TMemberInspector.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TMapFile.h"
#include "Api.h"

#ifndef WIN32
extern long G__globalvarpointer;

class TBuildRealData : public TMemberInspector {

   TObject *fRealDataObject;
   TClass  *fRealDataClass;

   TBuildRealData(TObject *obj, TClass *cl)
      { fRealDataObject = obj; fRealDataClass = cl; }
   void Inspect(TClass *cl, const char *parent, const char *name, void *addr);

void TBuildRealData::Inspect(TClass *cl, const char *pname, const char *mname, void *add)
   // This method is called from ShowMembers() via BuildRealdata().

   TRealData   *rd;
   TDataMember *dm = cl->GetDataMember(mname);
   if (!dm || !dm->IsPersistent()) return;

   char rname[256];
   Int_t offset = Int_t((Long_t)add - (Long_t)fRealDataObject);

   // Data Member is a pointer
   if (dm->IsaPointer()) {     // pointer to class object
      if (!dm->IsBasic()) {
         rd = new TRealData(rname,offset,dm);
      } else {                 // pointer to basic data type
         rd = new TRealData(rname,offset,dm);
   } else {
     // Data Member is a basic data type
     rd = new TRealData(rname,offset,dm);


 TClass::TClass() : TDictionary()
   // Default ctor.

   fBase         = 0;
   fData         = 0;
   fMethod       = 0;
   fRealData     = 0;
   fClassInfo    = 0;
   fAllPubData   = 0;
   fAllPubMethod = 0;


 TClass::TClass(const Text_t *name, Version_t cversion,
               const Text_t *dfil, const Text_t *ifil, Int_t dl, Int_t il)
        : TDictionary()
   // Create a TClass object. This object contains the full dictionary
   // of a class. It has list to baseclasses, datamembers and methods.

   if (!gROOT)
      ::Fatal("TClass::TClass", "ROOT system not initialized");

   fName           = name;
   fClassVersion   = cversion;
   fDeclFileName   = dfil;
   fImplFileName   = ifil;
   fDeclFileLine   = dl;
   fImplFileLine   = il;
   fBase           = 0;
   fData           = 0;
   fMethod         = 0;
   fRealData       = 0;
   fClassInfo      = 0;
   fAllPubData     = 0;
   fAllPubMethod   = 0;


   if (!fClassInfo) {
      if (!gInterpreter)
         ::Fatal("TClass::TClass", "gInterpreter not initialized");

      gInterpreter->SetClassInfo(this);   // sets fClassInfo pointer
      if (!fClassInfo)
         ::Warning("TClass::TClass", "no dictionary for class %s is available", name);


   // TClass dtor. Deletes all list that might have been created.

   if (fBase)
   delete fBase;

   if (fData)
   delete fData;

   if (fMethod)
   delete fMethod;

   if (fRealData)
   delete fRealData;


   delete fClassInfo;

   // Not owning lists, don't call Delete()
   delete fAllPubData;
   delete fAllPubMethod;

 void TClass::Browse(TBrowser *b)
   // This method is called by a browser to get the class information.

   if (!fClassInfo) return;

   if (b) {
      if (!fRealData) BuildRealData();

      b->Add(GetListOfDataMembers(), "Data Members");
      b->Add(GetListOfRealData(), "Real Data Members");
      b->Add(GetListOfMethods(), "Methods");
      b->Add(GetListOfBases(), "Base Classes");

 void TClass::BuildRealData()
   // Build a full list of persistent data members.
   // Scans the list of all data members in the class itself and also
   // in all base classes. For each persistent data member, inserts a
   // TRealData object in the list fRealData.

   if (!fClassInfo) return;

   TObject *realDataObject;

   fRealData = new TList(this);

   // Create an instance of this class
   if (!strcmp(GetName(),"TROOT")) realDataObject = gROOT;
   else                            realDataObject = (TObject*)New();

   // The following statement will call recursively all the subclasses
   // of this class.
   if (realDataObject) {
      char parent[256];
      parent[0] = 0;
      TBuildRealData brd(realDataObject, this);
      if (InheritsFrom(TObject::Class())) {
         realDataObject->ShowMembers(brd, parent);
      } else {
         G__CallFunc func;
         void *address;
         long  offset;
                      "TMemberInspector&,char*", &offset).InterfaceMethod());
         address = (void*)((long)realDataObject + offset);

   if (realDataObject != gROOT) {
      if (InheritsFrom(TObject::Class())) {
         realDataObject->SetBit(kZombie); //this info useful in object destructor
         delete realDataObject;
      } else {
         //::operator delete(realDataObject);

 Int_t TClass::Compare(TObject *obj)
   // Compare to other object. Returns 0<, 0 or >0 depending on
   // whether "this" is lexicographically less than, equal to, or
   // greater than obj.

   return strcmp(fName.Data(), obj->GetName());

 void TClass::Draw(Option_t *option)
   // Draw detailed class inheritance structure.
   // If a class B inherits from a class A, the description of B is drawn
   // on the right side of the description of A.
   // Member functions overridden by B are shown in class A with a blue line
   // erasing the corresponding member function

   if (!fClassInfo) return;

   TVirtualPad *padsav = gPad;

   // Should we create a new canvas?
   TString opt=option;
   if (!padsav || !opt.Contains("same")) {
      TVirtualPad *padclass = (TVirtualPad*)(gROOT->GetListOfCanvases())->FindObject("R__class");
      if (!padclass)
         gROOT->ProcessLineFast("new TCanvas("R__class","class",20,20,1000,750);");

   if (gPad) gPad->DrawClassObject(this,option);

   if (padsav) padsav->cd();

 Text_t *TClass::EscapeChars(Text_t *text)
   // Introduce an escape character (@) in front of a special chars.
   // You need to use the result immediately before it is being overwritten.

   static char name[128];
   Int_t nch = strlen(text);
   if (nch > 127) nch = 127;
   Int_t icur = -1;
   for (Int_t i=0;i<nch;i++) {
      if ( text[i] == '"' || text[i] == '['
        || text[i] == ']'  || text[i] == '&'
        || text[i] == '#'  || text[i] == '!'
        || text[i] == '^'  || text[i] == '<'
        || text[i] == '?'  || text[i] == '>') { name[icur] = '@'; icur++; }
      name[icur] = text[i];
   name[icur+1] = 0;
   return name;

 TClass *TClass::GetBaseClass(const Text_t *classname)
   // Return pointer to the base class "classname". Returns 0 in case
   // "classname" is not a base class. Takes care of multiple inheritance.

   // check if class name itself is equal to classname
   if (strcmp(GetName(), classname) == 0) return this;

   if (!fClassInfo) return 0;

   TObjLink *lnk = GetListOfBases() ? fBase->FirstLink() : 0;

   // otherwise look at inheritance tree
   while (lnk) {
      TClass     *c, *c1;
      TBaseClass *base = (TBaseClass*) lnk->GetObject();
      c = base->GetClassPointer();
      if (c) {
         if (strcmp(c->GetName(), classname) == 0) return c;
         c1 = c->GetBaseClass(classname);
         if (c1) return c1;
      lnk = lnk->Next();
   return 0;

 TClass *TClass::GetBaseClass(const TClass *cl)
   // Return pointer to the base class "cl". Returns 0 in case "cl"
   // is not a base class. Takes care of multiple inheritance.

   // check if class name itself is equal to classname
   if (cl == this) return this;

   if (!fClassInfo) return 0;

   TObjLink *lnk = GetListOfBases() ? fBase->FirstLink() : 0;

   // otherwise look at inheritance tree
   while (lnk) {
      TClass     *c, *c1;
      TBaseClass *base = (TBaseClass*) lnk->GetObject();
      c = base->GetClassPointer();
      if (c) {
         if (cl == c) return c;
         c1 = c->GetBaseClass(cl);
         if (c1) return c1;
      lnk = lnk->Next();
   return 0;

 Int_t TClass::GetBaseClassOffset(const TClass *cl)
   // Return data member offset to the base class "cl".
   // Returns -1 in case "cl" is not a base class.
   // Takes care of multiple inheritance.

   // check if class name itself is equal to classname
   if (cl == this) return 0;

   if (!fClassInfo) return -1;

   TClass     *c;
   Int_t      off;
   TBaseClass *inh;
   TIter      next(GetListOfBases());

   // otherwise look at inheritance tree
   while ((inh = (TBaseClass *) next())) {
      c = inh->GetClassPointer();
      if (c) {
         if (cl == c) return inh->GetDelta();
         off = c->GetBaseClassOffset(cl);
         if (off != -1) return off + inh->GetDelta();
   return -1;

 TClass *TClass::GetBaseDataMember(const Text_t *datamember)
   // Return pointer to (base) class that contains datamember.

   if (!fClassInfo) return 0;

   // Check if data member exists in class itself
   TDataMember *dm = GetDataMember(datamember);
   if (dm) return this;

   // if datamember not found in class, search in next base classes
   TBaseClass *inh;
   TIter       next(GetListOfBases());
   while ((inh = (TBaseClass *) next())) {
      TClass *c = inh->GetClassPointer();
      if (c) {
         TClass *cdm = c->GetBaseDataMember(datamember);
         if (cdm) return cdm;

   return 0;

 TDataMember *TClass::GetDataMember(const Text_t *datamember)
   // Return pointer to datamember object with name "datamember".

   if (!fClassInfo) return 0;

   // Strip off leading *'s and trailing [
   char memb[64];
   char *s = (char*)datamember;
   while (*s == '*') s++;
   strcpy(memb, s);
   if ((s = strchr(memb, '['))) *s = 0;

   TDataMember *dm;
   TIter   next(GetListOfDataMembers());

   while ((dm = (TDataMember *) next()))
      if (strcmp(memb, dm->GetName()) == 0)
         return dm;
   return 0;

 TList *TClass::GetListOfBases()
   // Return list containing the TBaseClass(es) of a class.

   if (!fClassInfo) return 0;

   if (!fBase) {
      if (!gInterpreter)
         Fatal("GetListOfBases", "gInterpreter not initialized");

   return fBase;

 TList *TClass::GetListOfDataMembers()
   // Return list containing the TDataMembers of a class.

   if (!fClassInfo) return 0;

   if (!fData) {
      if (!gInterpreter)
         Fatal("GetListOfDataMembers", "gInterpreter not initialized");

   return fData;

 TList *TClass::GetListOfMethods()
   // Return list containing the TMethods of a class.

   if (!fClassInfo) return 0;

   if (!fMethod) {
      if (!gInterpreter)
         Fatal("GetListOfMethods", "gInterpreter not initialized");

   return fMethod;

 TList *TClass::GetListOfAllPublicMethods()
   // Returns a list of all public methods of this class and its base classes.
   // Refers to a subset of the methods in GetListOfMethods() so don't do
   // GetListOfAllPublicMethods()->Delete().
   // Algorithm used to get the list is:
   // - put all methods of the class in the list (also protected and private
   //   ones).
   // - loop over all base classes and add only those methods not already in the
   //   list (also protected and private ones).
   // - once finished, loop over resulting list and remove all private and
   //   protected methods.

   if (!fAllPubMethod) {
      fAllPubMethod = new TList;

      // put all methods in the list

      // loop over all base classes and add new methods
      TIter nextBaseClass(GetListOfBases());
      TBaseClass *pB;
      TMethod    *p;
      while ((pB = (TBaseClass*) nextBaseClass())) {
         if (!pB->GetClassPointer()) continue;
         TIter next(pB->GetClassPointer()->GetListOfAllPublicMethods());
         TList temp;
         while ((p = (TMethod*) next()))
            if (!fAllPubMethod->Contains(p->GetName()))

      // loop over list and remove all non-public methods
      TIter next(fAllPubMethod);
      while ((p = (TMethod*) next()))
         if (!(p->Property() & kIsPublic)) fAllPubMethod->Remove(p);
   return fAllPubMethod;

 TList *TClass::GetListOfAllPublicDataMembers()
   // Returns a list of all public data members of this class and its base
   // classes. Refers to a subset of the data members in GetListOfDatamembers()
   // so don't do GetListOfAllPublicDataMembers()->Delete().

   if (!fAllPubData) {
      fAllPubData = new TList;
      TIter next(GetListOfDataMembers());
      TDataMember *p;

       while ((p = (TDataMember*) next()))
          if (p->Property() & kIsPublic) fAllPubData->Add(p);

       TIter next_BaseClass(GetListOfBases());
       TBaseClass *pB;
       while ((pB = (TBaseClass*) next_BaseClass())) {
          if (!pB->GetClassPointer()) continue;
          fAllPubData->AddAll(pB->GetClassPointer()->GetListOfAllPublicDataMembers() );
   return fAllPubData;

 void TClass::GetMenuItems(TList *list)
   // Returns list of methods accessible by context menu.

   if (!fClassInfo) return;

   // get the base class
   TIter nextBase(GetListOfBases(), kIterBackward);
   TBaseClass *baseClass;
   while ((baseClass = (TBaseClass *) nextBase())) {
      TClass *base = baseClass->GetClassPointer();
      if (base) base->GetMenuItems(list);

   // remove methods redefined in this class with no menu
   TMethod *method, *m;
   TIter next(GetListOfMethods(), kIterBackward);
   while ((method = (TMethod*)next())) {
      m = (TMethod*)list->FindObject(method->GetName());
      if (method->IsMenuItem()) {
         if (!m) list->AddFirst(method);
      } else {
         if (m) list->Remove(m);

 TMethod *TClass::GetMethodAny(const Text_t *method)
   // Return pointer to method without looking at parameters.
   // Does not look in (possible) base classes.

   if (!fClassInfo) return 0;

   TMethod *m;
   TIter    next(GetListOfMethods());

   while ((m = (TMethod *) next())) {
      if (strcmp(method, m->GetName()) == 0) return m;
   return 0;

 TMethod *TClass::GetMethod(const Text_t *method, const Text_t *params)
   // Find the best method (if there is one) matching the parameters.
   // The params string must contain argument values, like "3189, "aap", 1.3".
   // The function invokes GetClassMethod to search for a possible method
   // in the class itself or in its base classes. Returns 0 in case method
   // is not found.

   if (!fClassInfo) return 0;

   if (!gInterpreter)
      Fatal("GetMethod", "gInterpreter not initialized");

   Long_t faddr = (Long_t)gInterpreter->GetInterfaceMethod(this, (char *)method,
                                                           (char *)params);
   if (!faddr) return 0;

   // loop over all methods in this class (and its baseclasses) till
   // we find a TMethod with the same faddr

   TMethod *m = GetClassMethod(faddr);
   if (m) return m;

   TBaseClass *base;
   TIter       next(GetListOfBases());
   while ((base = (TBaseClass *) next())) {
      TClass *c = base->GetClassPointer();
      if (c) {
         m = c->GetClassMethod(faddr);
         if (m) return m;
       "nDid not find matching TMethod <%s> with "%s" for %s",
   return 0;

 TMethod *TClass::GetMethodWithPrototype(const Text_t *method, const Text_t *proto)
   // Find the method with a given prototype. The proto string must be of the
   // form: "char*,int,double". Returns 0 in case method is not found.

   if (!fClassInfo) return 0;

   if (!gInterpreter)
      Fatal("GetMethod", "gInterpreter not initialized");

   Long_t faddr = (Long_t)gInterpreter->GetInterfaceMethodWithPrototype(this,
                                                 (char *)method, (char *)proto);
   if (!faddr) return 0;

   // loop over all methods in this class (and its baseclasses) till
   // we find a TMethod with the same faddr

   TMethod *m = GetClassMethod(faddr);
   if (m) return m;

   TBaseClass *base;
   TIter       next(GetListOfBases());
   while ((base = (TBaseClass *) next())) {
      TClass *c = base->GetClassPointer();
      if (c) {
         m = c->GetClassMethod(faddr);
         if (m) return m;
   Error("GetMethod", "Did not find matching TMethod (should never happen)");
   return 0;

 TMethod *TClass::GetClassMethod(Long_t faddr)
   // Look for a method in this class that has the interface function
   // address faddr.

   if (!fClassInfo) return 0;

   TMethod *m;
   TIter    next(GetListOfMethods());
   while ((m = (TMethod *) next())) {
      if (faddr == (Long_t)m->InterfaceMethod())
         return m;
   return 0;

 const char *TClass::GetTitle() const
   // Return the description of the class.

   if (!fClassInfo) return 0;
   return GetClassInfo()->Title();

 Int_t TClass::GetNdata()
   // Return the number of data members of this class
   // Note that in case the list of data members is not yet created, it will be done
   // by GetListOfDataMembers().

   if (!fClassInfo) return 0;

   TList *lm = GetListOfDataMembers();
   if (lm)
      return lm->GetSize();
      return 0;

 Int_t TClass::GetNmethods()
   // Return the number of methods of this class
   // Note that in case the list of methods is not yet created, it will be done
   // by GetListOfMethods().

   if (!fClassInfo) return 0;

   TList *lm = GetListOfMethods();
   if (lm)
      return lm->GetSize();
      return 0;

 Bool_t TClass::InheritsFrom(const Text_t *classname)
   // Return kTRUE if this class inherits from a class with name "classname".

   if (strcmp(GetName(), classname) == 0) return kTRUE;

   if (!fClassInfo) return kFALSE;

   if (GetBaseClass(classname)) return kTRUE;
   return kFALSE;

 Bool_t TClass::InheritsFrom(const TClass *cl)
   // Return kTRUE if this class inherits from class cl.

   if (cl == this) return kTRUE;

   if (!fClassInfo) return kFALSE;

   if (GetBaseClass(cl)) return kTRUE;
   return kFALSE;

 void *TClass::DynamicCast(const TClass *cl, void *obj)
   // Cast obj of type "this" to baseclass cl. If this is not a
   // baseclass of cl return 0, else the pointer to the cl part of this.

   if (cl == this) return obj;

   if (!fClassInfo) return 0;

   Int_t off;
   if ((off = GetBaseClassOffset(cl)) != -1) return (void*)((Long_t)obj+off);
   return 0;

 void *TClass::New()
   // Return a pointer to a newly allocated object of this class.
   // The class must have a default constructor.

   if (!fClassInfo) return 0;

   void *p = GetClassInfo()->New();
   if (!p) Error("New", "no default ctor for class %s", GetName());

   return p;

 void TClass::Destructor(void *obj, Bool_t dtorOnly)
   // Explicitely call destructor for object.

   if (!fClassInfo) return;

   G__CallFunc func;
   void *address;
   long  offset;
   char  dtor[64];
   sprintf(dtor, "~%s", GetName());
   func.SetFunc(fClassInfo->GetMethod(dtor, "", &offset).InterfaceMethod());
   address = (void*)((long)obj + offset);
   if (dtorOnly) {
#ifdef WIN32
      long saveglobalvar = G__getgvp();
      long saveglobalvar = G__globalvarpointer;
      G__globalvarpointer = (long)address;
      G__globalvarpointer = saveglobalvar;
   } else

 Int_t TClass::Size() const
   // Return size of object of this class.

   if (!fClassInfo) return 0;
   return GetClassInfo()->Size();

 Long_t TClass::Property() const
   // Get property description word. For meaning of bits see EProperty.

   if (!fClassInfo) return 0;
   return GetClassInfo()->Property();

 TClass *TClass::Load(TBuffer &b)
   // Load class description from I/O buffer and return class object.

   char s[80];

   b.ReadString(s, 80);
   TClass *cl = gROOT->GetClass(s, kTRUE);
   if (!cl)
      ::Error("TClass::Load", "dictionary of class %s not found", s);

   return cl;

 void TClass::Store(TBuffer &b) const
   // Store class description on I/O buffer.


TClass *CreateClass(const char *cname, Version_t id, const char *dfil,
                    const char *ifil, Int_t dl, Int_t il)
   // Global function called by a class' static Dictionary() method
   // (see the ClassDef macro).

   // When called via TMapFile (e.g. Update()) make sure that the dictionary
   // gets allocated on the heap and not in the mapped file.
   if (gMmallocDesc) {
      void *msave  = gMmallocDesc;
      gMmallocDesc = 0;
      TClass *cl   = new TClass(cname, id, dfil, ifil, dl, il);
      gMmallocDesc = msave;
      return cl;
   return new TClass(cname, id, dfil, ifil, dl, il);

ROOT page - Class index - Top of the page

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