//*CMZ :  2.00/13 29/10/98  08.31.32  by  Fons Rademakers
//*CMZ :  2.00/11 16/08/98  16.46.00  by  Rene Brun
//*CMZ :  2.00/08 28/05/98  10.40.29  by  Rene Brun
//*CMZ :  2.00/07 18/05/98  02.04.37  by  Fons Rademakers
//*-- Author :    Fons Rademakers   22/09/95

 * Copyright(c) 1995-1999, The ROOT System, All rights reserved.         *
 * Authors: Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.                               *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/AA_LICENSE.                      *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/AA_CREDITS.                 *

//                                                                      //
// TEnv                                                                 //
//                                                                      //
// The TEnv class reads a config file, by default .rootrc. Three types  //
// of .rootrc files are read: global, user and local files. The global  //
// file resides in $ROOTSYS, the user file in ~/ and the local file in  //
// the current working directory.                                       //
// The format of the .rootrc file is similar to the .Xdefaults format:  //
//                                                                      //
//   <SystemName>.<RootName|ProgName>.<name>[(type)]:  <value>          //
//                                                                      //
// Where <SystemName> is either Unix, WinNT, MacOS or Vms,              //
// <RootName> the root name as given in the TROOT ctor,                 //
// <ProgName> the current program name and                              //
// <name> is the resource name, with optionally a type specification.   //
//                                                                      //
// E.g.:                                                                //
//                                                                      //
//   Unix.rint.Root.DynamicPath: .:$ROOTSYS/lib:~/lib                   //
//   Rint.Root.Debug:  FALSE                                            //
//   TH.Root.Debug: YES                                                 //
//   *.Root.MemStat: 1                                                  //
//                                                                      //
// <SystemName> and <ProgName> or <RootName> may be the wildcard "*".   //
// A # in the first column starts comment line.                         //
//                                                                      //
// Currently the following resources are defined:                       //
//    Root.Debug                (bool)         (*)                      //
//    Root.MemStat              (bool)         (*)                      //
//    Root.MemStat.size         (int)          (*)                      //
//    Root.MemStat.cnt          (int)          (*)                      //
//    Root.ObjectStat           (bool)         (*)                      //
//    Root.MacroPath            (string)                                //
//    Root.DynamicPath          (string)                                //
//    Rint.Logon                (string)                                //
//    Rint.Logoff               (string)                                //
//                                                                      //
// (*) work only with the <RootName> since no <ProgName> is available   //
//     at time of initialization.                                       //
//                                                                      //
// Note that the .rootrc config files contain the config for all ROOT   //
// based applications.                                                  //
//                                                                      //

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#include "RConfig.h"
#ifndef WIN32
# ifdef ANSILIB
#  include <sstream.h>
# else
#  include <strstream.h>
# endif
# ifdef ANSILIB
#  include <strstream>
# else
#  include <strstrea.h>
# endif
#include "TEnv.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TOrdCollection.h"
#include "TError.h"

TEnv *gEnv;

static struct BoolNameTable_t {
   const char *fName;
   int         fValue;
} boolNames[]= {
   { "TRUE",  1 },
   { "FALSE", 0 },
   { "ON",    1 },
   { "OFF",   0 },
   { "YES",   1 },
   { "NO",    0 },
   { "OK",    1 },
   { "NOT",   0 },
   { 0, 0 }

//---- TEnvParser --------------------------------------------------------------

class TEnvParser {

   FILE    *fIfp;

   TEnv    *fEnv;

   TEnvParser(TEnv *e, FILE *f) : fIfp(f), fEnv(e) { }
   virtual void KeyValue(const TString&, const TString&, const TString&) { }
   virtual void Char(int) { }
   void Parse();

void TEnvParser::Parse()
   // Parse a line of the env file and create an entry in the resource
   // dictionary (i.e. add a KeyValue pair).

   TString name, type, value;
   int c, state = 0;

   while ((c = fgetc(fIfp)) != EOF) {
      if (c == 'n') {
         state = 0;
         if (name.Length() > 0) {
            KeyValue(name, value, type);
            name  = "";
            value = "";
            type  = "";
      switch (state) {
      case 0:             // start of line
         switch (c) {
         case ' ':
         case 't':
         case '#':
            state = 1;
            state = 2;

      case 1:             // comment

      case 2:             // name
         switch (c) {
         case ' ':
         case 't':
         case ':':
            state = 3;
         case '(':
            state = 7;

      case 3:             // ws before value
         if (c != ' ' && c != 't')
            state = 4;

      case 4:             // value

      case 5:             // type
         if (c == ')')
            state = 6;

      case 6:             // optional ':'
         state = (c == ':') ? 3 : 4;

      case 7:
         state = (c == ')') ? 6 : 5;

      switch (state) {
      case 2:
      case 4:
      case 5:
      if (state != 4)

//---- TReadEnvParser ----------------------------------------------------------

class TReadEnvParser : public TEnvParser {

   EEnvLevel fLevel;

   TReadEnvParser(TEnv *e, FILE *f, EEnvLevel l) : TEnvParser(e, f), fLevel(l) { }
   void KeyValue(const TString &name, const TString &value, const TString &type)
      { fEnv->SetValue(name.Data(), value, fLevel, type.Data()); }

//---- TWriteEnvParser ---------------------------------------------------------

class TWriteEnvParser : public TEnvParser {

   FILE *fOfp;

   TWriteEnvParser(TEnv *e, FILE *f, FILE *of) : TEnvParser(e, f), fOfp(of) { }
   void KeyValue(const TString &name, const TString &value, const TString &type);
   void Char(int c) { fputc(c, fOfp); }

void TWriteEnvParser::KeyValue(const TString &name, const TString &value,
                               const TString &)
   // Write resources out to a new file.

   TEnvRec *er = fEnv->Lookup(name.Data());
   if (er && er->fModified) {
      er->fModified = kFALSE;
      if (er->fObject)
      fprintf(fOfp, "%s", er->fValue.Data());
   } else
      fprintf(fOfp, "%s", value.Data());

//---- TEnvRec -----------------------------------------------------------------

TEnvRec::TEnvRec(const char *n, const char *v, const char *t, EEnvLevel l)
   : fName(n), fType(t), fLevel(l), fObject(0)
   // Ctor of a single resource.

   fValue = ExpandValue(v);
   fModified = (l == kEnvChange);

TEnvRec::TEnvRec(const char *n, const TString &v, const char *t, EEnvLevel l)
   : fName(n), fType(t), fLevel(l), fObject(0)
   // Ctor of a single resource.

   fValue = ExpandValue(v.Data());
   fModified = (l == kEnvChange);

void TEnvRec::Read(TObject *)
   // Read a resource record.

#ifdef ANSILIB

   istrstream is((char*)fValue.Data(), fValue.Length());

void TEnvRec::Write(TObject *)
   // Write a changed resource record.

   char *cp = new char[1000];
#ifdef ANSILIB

   ostrstream os(cp, 1000);
   ChangeValue(cp, 0, kEnvChange);
   delete cp;

void TEnvRec::ChangeValue(const char *v, const char*, EEnvLevel l)
   // Change the value of a resource.

   if (l != kEnvChange && fLevel == l) {
      // use global Warning() since interpreter might not yet be initialized
      // at this stage (called from TROOT ctor)
      "duplicate entry <%s=%s> for level %d; ignored", fName.Data(), v, l);
   if (fValue != v) {
      if (l == kEnvChange)
         fModified = kTRUE;
      else {
         fModified = kFALSE;
         fLevel = l;
      fValue = ExpandValue(v);
      if (fModified && fObject)

void TEnvRec::ChangeValue(const TString &v, const char *, EEnvLevel l)
   // Change the value of a resource.

   if (l != kEnvChange && fLevel == l) {
      // use global Warning() since interpreter might not yet be initialized
      // at this stage (called from TROOT ctor)
      "duplicate entry <%s=%s> for level %d; ignored", fName.Data(), v.Data(), l);
   if (fValue != v) {
      if (l == kEnvChange)
         fModified = kTRUE;
      else {
         fModified = kFALSE;
         fLevel = l;
      fValue = ExpandValue(v.Data());
      if (fModified && fObject)

int TEnvRec::Compare(TObject *op)
   // Comparison function for resources.

   return fName.CompareTo(((TEnvRec*)op)->fName);

TString TEnvRec::ExpandValue(const char *value)
   // Replace all $(XXX) strings by the value defined in the shell
   // (obtained via TSystem::Getenv()).

   const char *v = value;
   const char *vv;

   char *s1, *s2;
   int len = 0;
   while ((s1 = strstr(v, "$("))) {
      s1 += 2;
      s2 = strchr(s1, ')');
      if (!s2) {
         len = 0;
      *s2 = 0;
      vv =  gSystem->Getenv(s1);
      if (vv) len += strlen(vv);
      *s2 = ')';
      v = s2 + 1;

   if (!len)
      return TString(value);

   v = value;
   char *nv = new char[strlen(v) + len];
   *nv = 0;

   while ((s1 = strstr(v, "$("))) {
      *s1 = 0;
      strcat(nv, v);
      *s1 = '$';
      s1 += 2;
      s2 = strchr(s1, ')');
      *s2 = 0;
      vv =  gSystem->Getenv(s1);
      if (vv) strcat(nv, vv);
      *s2 = ')';
      v = s2 + 1;

   if (*v) strcat(nv, v);

   TString val = nv;
   delete [] nv;

   return val;

//---- TEnv --------------------------------------------------------------------


 TEnv::TEnv(const char *name)
   // Create a resource table and read the (possibly) three resource files.

   if (strlen(name) == 0)
      fTable = 0;
   else {
      fTable  = new TOrdCollection(1000);
      fRcName = name;

      char *s = gSystem->ConcatFileName(gRootDir, name);
      ReadFile(s, kEnvGlobal);
      delete [] s;
      s = gSystem->ConcatFileName(gSystem->HomeDirectory(), name);
      ReadFile(s, kEnvUser);
      delete [] s;
      ReadFile(name, kEnvLocal);

   // Delete the resource table.

   if (fTable) {

 const char *TEnv::Getvalue(const char *name)
   // Returns the character value for a named resouce.

   Bool_t haveProgName = kFALSE;
   if (gProgName && strlen(gProgName) > 0)
      haveProgName = kTRUE;

   TEnvRec *er = 0;
   if (haveProgName)
      er = Lookup(Form("%s.%s.%s", gSystemName, gProgName, name));
   if (er == 0)
      er = Lookup(Form("%s.%s.%s", gSystemName, gRootName, name));
   if (er == 0)
      er = Lookup(Form("%s.*.%s", gSystemName, name));
   if (er == 0 && haveProgName)
      er = Lookup(Form("%s.%s", gProgName, name));
   if (er == 0)
      er = Lookup(Form("%s.%s", gRootName, name));
   if (er == 0)
      er = Lookup(Form("*.*.%s", name));
   if (er == 0)
      er = Lookup(Form("*.%s", name));
   if (er == 0)
      er = Lookup(name);
   if (er == 0)
      return 0;
   return er->fValue.Data();

 int TEnv::GetValue(const char *name, int dflt)
   // Returns the integer value for a resource. If the resource is not found
   // return the dflt value.

   const char *cp = TEnv::Getvalue(name);
   if (cp) {
      char buf2[100], *cp2 = buf2;

      while (isspace((int)*cp))
      if (*cp) {
         BoolNameTable_t *bt;
         if (isdigit((int)*cp))
            return atoi(cp);
         while (isalpha((int)*cp))
            *cp2++ = toupper((int)*cp++);
         *cp2 = 0;
         for (bt = boolNames; bt->fName; bt++)
            if (strcmp(buf2, bt->fName) == 0)
               return bt->fValue;
   return dflt;

 const char *TEnv::GetValue(const char *name, const char *dflt)
   // Returns the character value for a named resouce. If the resource is
   // not found the dflt value is returned.

   const char *cp = TEnv::Getvalue(name);
   if (cp)
      return cp;
   return dflt;

 TObject *TEnv::GetValue(const char *name, TObject *op)
   // Read in object op the values of the resource and return the object.

   TEnvRec *er = Lookup(Form("%s.%s", gProgName, name));
   if (er == 0)
      er = Lookup(Form("*.%s", name));
   if (er == 0)
      er = Lookup(name);

   if (er) {
      er->fObject = op;
   return op;

 TEnvRec *TEnv::Lookup(const char *name)
   // Loop over all resource records and return the one with name.
   // Return 0 in case name is not in the resoucre table.

   TIter next(fTable);
   TEnvRec *er;

   while ((er = (TEnvRec*) next()))
      if (er->fName == name)
            return er;

   return 0;

 void TEnv::Print(Option_t *opt)
   // Print all resources or the global, user or local resources separately.

   if (strlen(opt) == 0) {

   if (!strcmp(opt, "global"))
   if (!strcmp(opt, "user"))
   if (!strcmp(opt, "local"))

 void TEnv::PrintEnv(EEnvLevel level)
   // Print all resources for a certain level (global, user, local).

   TIter next(fTable);
   TEnvRec *er;
   static const char *lc[] = { "Global", "User", "Local" };

   while ((er = (TEnvRec*) next()))
      if (er->fLevel == level || level == kEnvAll)
         Printf("%-25s %-30s [%s]", Form("%s:", er->fName.Data()),
                er->fValue.Data(), lc[er->fLevel]);

 void TEnv::ReadFile(const char *fname, EEnvLevel level)
   // Read and parse the resource file for a certain level.

   FILE *ifp;
   if ((ifp = fopen(fname, "r"))) {
      TReadEnvParser rp(this, ifp, level);

 void TEnv::Save()
   // Write the resource files for each level. The new files have the same
   // name as the original files. The old files are renamed to *.bak.


 void TEnv::SaveLevel(EEnvLevel level)
   // Write the resource file for a certain level.

   TIter next(fTable);
   TEnvRec *er;

   while ((er = (TEnvRec*) next()))
      if (er->fLevel == level)

   if (!er) return;

   TString   rootrcdir;
   FILE     *ifp, *ofp;

   if (level == kEnvGlobal) {
      char *s = gSystem->ConcatFileName(gRootDir, fRcName.Data());
      rootrcdir = s;
      delete [] s;
   } else if (level == kEnvUser) {
      char *s = gSystem->ConcatFileName(gSystem->HomeDirectory(), fRcName.Data());
      rootrcdir = s;
      delete [] s;
   } else if (level == kEnvLocal)
      rootrcdir = fRcName;

   if ((ofp = fopen(Form("%s.new", rootrcdir.Data()), "w"))) {
      ifp = fopen(rootrcdir.Data(), "r");
      if (ifp == 0) {     // try to create file
         ifp = fopen(rootrcdir.Data(), "w");
         if (ifp) {
            ifp = 0;
      if (ifp || (ifp = fopen(rootrcdir.Data(), "r"))) {
         TWriteEnvParser wp(this, ifp, ofp);

         while ((er = (TEnvRec*) next()))
            if (er->fModified) {
               er->fModified = kFALSE;
               fprintf(ofp, "%-40s %sn", Form("%s:", er->fName.Data()),
         gSystem->Rename(rootrcdir.Data(), Form("%s.bak", rootrcdir.Data()));
         gSystem->Rename(Form("%s.new", rootrcdir.Data()), rootrcdir.Data());

 void TEnv::SetValue(const char *name, const TString &value, EEnvLevel level, const char *type)
   // Set the value of a resource or create a new resource.

   TEnvRec *er = Lookup(name);
   if (er)
      er->ChangeValue(value, type, level);
      fTable->Add(new TEnvRec(name, value, type, level));

 void TEnv::SetValue(const char *name, const char *value, EEnvLevel level, const char *type)
   // Set the value of a resource or create a new resource.

   TEnvRec *er = Lookup(name);
   if (er)
      er->ChangeValue(value, type, level);
      fTable->Add(new TEnvRec(name, value, type, level));

 void TEnv::SetValue(const char *name, EEnvLevel level)
   // Set the value of a resource or create a new resource.

   TString buf = name;
   int l = buf.Index("=");
   if (l > 0) {
      TString nm  = buf(0, l);
      TString val = buf(l+1, buf.Length());
      SetValue(nm.Data(), val.Data(), level);
   } else
      SetValue(name, "1", level);

 void TEnv::SetValue(const char *name, int value)
   // Set or create an integer resource value.

   SetValue(name, Form("%d", value));

 void TEnv::SetValue(const char *name, double value)
   // Set or create a double resource value.

   SetValue(name, Form("%f", value));

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