//*CMZ : 2.23/04 11/10/99 18.53.04 by Rene Brun
//*CMZ : 2.23/03 08/09/99 00.07.49 by Fons Rademakers
//*CMZ : 2.20/01 02/12/98 18.02.00 by Fons Rademakers
//*CMZ : 2.00/09 19/06/98 11.13.44 by Rene Brun
//*CMZ : 2.00/07 18/05/98 20.13.52 by Fons Rademakers
//*-- Author : Fons Rademakers 27/12/97
* Copyright(c) 1995-1999, The ROOT System, All rights reserved. *
* Authors: Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/AA_LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/AA_CREDITS. *
This source is based on Xclass95, a Win95-looking GUI toolkit.
Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 David Barth, Ricky Ralston, Hector Peraza.
Xclass95 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// //
// TGClient //
// //
// Window client. In client server windowing systems, like X11 this //
// class is used to make the initial connection to the window server. //
// It is the only GUI class that does not inherit from TGObject. //
// //
#include "TGClient.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TEnv.h"
#include "THashList.h"
#include "TSysEvtHandler.h"
#include "TVirtualX.h"
#include "TGWindow.h"
#include "TGPicture.h"
#include "TGMimeTypes.h"
#include "TGFrame.h"
#include "TGLabel.h"
#include "TGButton.h"
#include "TGTextEntry.h"
#include "TGMenu.h"
#include "TGScrollBar.h"
#include "TGListBox.h"
#include "TGComboBox.h"
#include "TGTab.h"
#include "TGListView.h"
#include "TGFSComboBox.h"
#include "TGStatusBar.h"
#include "TGListTree.h"
#include "TGTextView.h"
#include "TGToolTip.h"
static Pixmap_t checkered, checkered1;
const int gray_width = 8;
const int gray_height = 8;
static unsigned char gray_bits[] = {
0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa,
0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa
const int r_width = 12;
const int r_height = 12;
static unsigned char r1_bits[] = {
0xf0, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x03, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00,
0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
static unsigned char r2_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x0c, 0x03, 0x04, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00,
0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
static unsigned char r3_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x08,
0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x0c, 0x03, 0xf0, 0x00
static unsigned char r4_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04,
0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x02, 0x0c, 0x03, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
static unsigned char r5_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x01, 0xfc, 0x03, 0xfc, 0x03,
0xfc, 0x03, 0xfc, 0x03, 0xf8, 0x01, 0xf0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
static unsigned char r6_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0xf0, 0x00,
0xf0, 0x00, 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
const int chk_width = 13;
const int chk_height = 13;
static unsigned char chk_bits[] = {
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x03, 0x88, 0x03,
0xd8, 0x01, 0xf8, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00
// The following global declarations were moved from their original
// places to here in order to avoid the linker including unnecessary
// widgets in an executable file.
Colormap_t TGPicturePool::fgDefaultColormap;
GContext_t TGButton::fgDefaultGC;
GContext_t TGButton::fgHibckgndGC;
FontStruct_t TGTextButton::fgDefaultFontStruct;
GContext_t TGCheckButton::fgDefaultGC;
FontStruct_t TGCheckButton::fgDefaultFontStruct;
GContext_t TGRadioButton::fgDefaultGC;
FontStruct_t TGRadioButton::fgDefaultFontStruct;
Pixmap_t TGRadioButton::fgR1;
Pixmap_t TGRadioButton::fgR2;
Pixmap_t TGRadioButton::fgR3;
Pixmap_t TGRadioButton::fgR4;
Pixmap_t TGRadioButton::fgR5;
Pixmap_t TGRadioButton::fgR6;
ULong_t TGFrame::fgDefaultFrameBackground;
ULong_t TGFrame::fgDefaultSelectedBackground;
ULong_t TGFrame::fgWhitePixel;
ULong_t TGFrame::fgBlackPixel;
GContext_t TGFrame::fgBlackGC;
GContext_t TGFrame::fgWhiteGC;
GContext_t TGFrame::fgHilightGC;
GContext_t TGFrame::fgShadowGC;
GContext_t TGFrame::fgBckgndGC;
GContext_t TGLabel::fgDefaultGC;
FontStruct_t TGLabel::fgDefaultFontStruct;
GContext_t TGMenuTitle::fgDefaultGC;
GContext_t TGMenuTitle::fgDefaultSelectedGC;
FontStruct_t TGMenuTitle::fgDefaultFontStruct;
GContext_t TGPopupMenu::fgDefaultGC;
GContext_t TGPopupMenu::fgDefaultSelectedGC;
GContext_t TGPopupMenu::fgDefaultSelectedBackgroundGC;
FontStruct_t TGPopupMenu::fgDefaultFontStruct;
FontStruct_t TGPopupMenu::fgHilightFontStruct;
Cursor_t TGPopupMenu::fgDefaultCursor;
Pixmap_t TGPopupMenu::fgCheckmark;
Pixmap_t TGPopupMenu::fgRadiomark;
Cursor_t TGMenuBar::fgDefaultCursor;
Pixmap_t TGScrollBar::fgBckgndPixmap;
Int_t TGScrollBar::fgScrollBarWidth;
GContext_t TGTab::fgDefaultGC;
FontStruct_t TGTab::fgDefaultFontStruct;
GContext_t TGTextEntry::fgDefaultGC;
GContext_t TGTextEntry::fgDefaultSelectedGC;
GContext_t TGTextEntry::fgDefaultSelectedBackgroundGC;
FontStruct_t TGTextEntry::fgDefaultFontStruct;
Cursor_t TGTextEntry::fgDefaultCursor;
GContext_t TGGroupFrame::fgDefaultGC;
FontStruct_t TGGroupFrame::fgDefaultFontStruct;
ULong_t TGTextLBEntry::fgSelPixel;
GContext_t TGTextLBEntry::fgDefaultGC; // this is not shared.
FontStruct_t TGTextLBEntry::fgDefaultFontStruct;
Cursor_t TGComboBoxPopup::fgDefaultCursor;
GContext_t TGSelectedPicture::fgSelectedGC;
GContext_t TGLVContainer::fgLineGC;
GContext_t TGListView::fgDefaultGC;
FontStruct_t TGListView::fgDefaultFontStruct;
ULong_t TGLVEntry::fgSelPixel;
GContext_t TGLVEntry::fgDefaultGC;
FontStruct_t TGLVEntry::fgDefaultFontStruct;
ULong_t TGTreeLBEntry::fgSelPixel;
GContext_t TGTreeLBEntry::fgDefaultGC; // this is not shared.
FontStruct_t TGTreeLBEntry::fgDefaultFontStruct;
GContext_t TGStatusBar::fgDefaultGC;
FontStruct_t TGStatusBar::fgDefaultFontStruct;
FontStruct_t TGListTree::fgDefaultFontStruct;
FontStruct_t TGTextFrame::fgDefaultFontStruct;
ULong_t TGToolTip::fgLightYellowPixel;
// Global pointer to the TGClient object
TGClient *gClient;
//----- Graphics Input handler -------------------------------------------------
class TGInputHandler : public TFileHandler {
TGClient *fClient;
TGInputHandler(TGClient *c, Int_t fd) : TFileHandler(fd, 1) { fClient = c; }
Bool_t Notify();
// Important: don't override ReadNotify()
Bool_t TGInputHandler::Notify()
return fClient->HandleInput();
TGClient::TGClient(const char *dpyName)
// Create a connection with the display sever on host DpyName and setup
// the complete GUI system, i.e., graphics contexts, fonts, etc. for all
// widgets.
if (gClient) {
Error("TGClient", "only one instance of TGClient allowed");
char norm_font[256];
char bold_font[256];
char small_font[256];
char prop_font[256];
char backcolor[256];
char forecolor[256];
char selbackcolor[256];
char selforecolor[256];
char icon_path[2048], mime_file[256], line[2048];
GCValues_t gval;
WindowAttributes_t root_attr;
// Load GUI defaults from .rootrc
strcpy(norm_font, gEnv->GetValue("Gui.NormalFont","-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1"));
strcpy(bold_font, gEnv->GetValue("Gui.BoldFont", "-adobe-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1"));
strcpy(small_font, gEnv->GetValue("Gui.SmallFont", "-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1"));
strcpy(prop_font, gEnv->GetValue("Gui.ProportionalFont", "-adobe-courier-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1"));
strcpy(backcolor, gEnv->GetValue("Gui.BackgroundColor", "#c0c0c0"));
strcpy(forecolor, gEnv->GetValue("Gui.ForegroundColor", "black"));
strcpy(selforecolor, gEnv->GetValue("Gui.SelectForegroundColor", "white"));
strcpy(selbackcolor, gEnv->GetValue("Gui.SelectBackgroundColor", "#000080"));
#ifndef R__VMS
sprintf(line, "%s/icons:%s/icons:.", gSystem->Getenv("HOME"),
strcpy(icon_path, gEnv->GetValue("Gui.IconPath", line));
sprintf(line, "%s/.root.mimes", gSystem->Getenv("HOME"));
strcpy(mime_file, gEnv->GetValue("Gui.MimeTypeFile", line));
if (gSystem->AccessPathName(mime_file, kReadPermission))
#ifdef R__VMS
sprintf(mime_file, "%s/icons/root.mimes", gSystem->Getenv("ROOTSYS"));
// Set DISPLAY based on utmp (only if DISPLAY is not yet set).
// Open the connection to the display
if ((fXfd = gVirtualX->OpenDisplay(dpyName)) < 0) {
Error("TGClient", "can't open display "%s", bombing...",
// Initialize internal window list. Use a THashList for fast
// finding of windows based on window id (see GetWindowById()).
fWlist = new THashList(200);
// Setup some atoms (defined in TVirtualX)...
gMOTIF_WM_HINTS = gVirtualX->InternAtom("_MOTIF_WM_HINTS", kFALSE);
gROOT_MESSAGE = gVirtualX->InternAtom("_ROOT_MESSAGE", kFALSE);
// Create an object for the root window, create picture pool, etc...
fGlobalNeedRedraw = kFALSE;
fRoot = new TGFrame(this, gVirtualX->GetDefaultRootWindow());
fPicturePool = new TGPicturePool(this, icon_path);
fMimeTypeList = new TGMimeTypes(this, mime_file);
// Set font and color defaults...
TGLabel::fgDefaultFontStruct =
TGTab::fgDefaultFontStruct =
TGTextLBEntry::fgDefaultFontStruct =
TGTreeLBEntry::fgDefaultFontStruct =
TGGroupFrame::fgDefaultFontStruct =
TGTextEntry::fgDefaultFontStruct =
TGRadioButton::fgDefaultFontStruct =
TGCheckButton::fgDefaultFontStruct =
TGTextButton::fgDefaultFontStruct =
TGMenuTitle::fgDefaultFontStruct =
TGPopupMenu::fgDefaultFontStruct = GetFontByName(norm_font);
TGPopupMenu::fgHilightFontStruct = GetFontByName(bold_font);
TGListView::fgDefaultFontStruct =
TGStatusBar::fgDefaultFontStruct =
TGListTree::fgDefaultFontStruct =
TGLVEntry::fgDefaultFontStruct = GetFontByName(small_font);
TGTextFrame::fgDefaultFontStruct = GetFontByName(prop_font);
GetColorByName("white", fWhite); // white and black always exist
GetColorByName("black", fBlack);
if (!GetColorByName("LightYellow", TGToolTip::fgLightYellowPixel))
TGToolTip::fgLightYellowPixel = fWhite;
GetColorByName(backcolor, fBackColor); // should check for alloc errors
GetColorByName(forecolor, fForeColor);
fHilite = GetHilite(fBackColor);
fShadow = GetShadow(fBackColor);
GetColorByName(selforecolor, fSelForeColor);
GetColorByName(selbackcolor, fSelBackColor);
//--- Default GCs and misc...
gval.fMask = kGCForeground | kGCBackground | kGCFont |
kGCFillStyle | kGCGraphicsExposures;
gval.fFillStyle = kFillSolid;
gval.fGraphicsExposures = kFALSE;
gval.fFont = gVirtualX->GetFontHandle(TGLabel::fgDefaultFontStruct);
gval.fBackground = fBackColor;
TGFrame::fgBlackPixel = gval.fForeground = fBlack;
TGFrame::fgBlackGC = gVirtualX->CreateGC(fRoot->GetId(), &gval);
TGFrame::fgWhitePixel = gval.fForeground = fWhite;
TGFrame::fgWhiteGC = gVirtualX->CreateGC(fRoot->GetId(), &gval);
gval.fForeground = fHilite;
TGFrame::fgHilightGC = gVirtualX->CreateGC(fRoot->GetId(), &gval);
gval.fForeground = fShadow;
TGFrame::fgShadowGC = gVirtualX->CreateGC(fRoot->GetId(), &gval);
gval.fForeground = fBackColor;
TGFrame::fgBckgndGC = gVirtualX->CreateGC(fRoot->GetId(), &gval);
gval.fForeground = fForeColor;
TGRadioButton::fgDefaultGC =
TGCheckButton::fgDefaultGC =
TGLabel::fgDefaultGC =
TGTab::fgDefaultGC =
TGGroupFrame::fgDefaultGC =
TGTextEntry::fgDefaultGC =
TGMenuTitle::fgDefaultGC =
TGPopupMenu::fgDefaultGC = gVirtualX->CreateGC(fRoot->GetId(), &gval);
TGButton::fgDefaultGC = gVirtualX->CreateGC(fRoot->GetId(), &gval);
TGTextLBEntry::fgDefaultGC = gVirtualX->CreateGC(fRoot->GetId(), &gval);
TGTreeLBEntry::fgDefaultGC = gVirtualX->CreateGC(fRoot->GetId(), &gval);
TGFrame::fgDefaultFrameBackground = fBackColor;
TGFrame::fgDefaultSelectedBackground = gval.fForeground = fSelBackColor;
TGTextEntry::fgDefaultSelectedBackgroundGC =
TGPopupMenu::fgDefaultSelectedBackgroundGC =
gVirtualX->CreateGC(fRoot->GetId(), &gval);
TGLVEntry::fgSelPixel =
TGTextLBEntry::fgSelPixel =
TGTreeLBEntry::fgSelPixel = gval.fForeground = fSelForeColor;
TGTextEntry::fgDefaultSelectedGC =
TGMenuTitle::fgDefaultSelectedGC =
TGPopupMenu::fgDefaultSelectedGC = gVirtualX->CreateGC(fRoot->GetId(), &gval);
gval.fFont = gVirtualX->GetFontHandle(TGLVEntry::fgDefaultFontStruct);
gval.fForeground = fForeColor;
TGLVEntry::fgDefaultGC = gVirtualX->CreateGC(fRoot->GetId(), &gval);
TGListView::fgDefaultGC = gVirtualX->CreateGC(fRoot->GetId(), &gval);
TGStatusBar::fgDefaultGC = gVirtualX->CreateGC(fRoot->GetId(), &gval);
TGComboBoxPopup::fgDefaultCursor =
TGMenuBar::fgDefaultCursor =
TGPopupMenu::fgDefaultCursor = gVirtualX->CreateCursor(kArrowRight);
TGTextEntry::fgDefaultCursor = gVirtualX->CreateCursor(kCaret);
gVirtualX->GetWindowAttributes(fRoot->GetId(), root_attr);
TGPicturePool::fgDefaultColormap = root_attr.fColormap;
TGScrollBar::fgScrollBarWidth = kDefaultScrollBarWidth;
TGScrollBar::fgBckgndPixmap =
checkered = gVirtualX->CreatePixmap(fRoot->GetId(),
(const char *)gray_bits, gray_width, gray_height,
fBackColor, fHilite, root_attr.fDepth);
gval.fMask = kGCForeground | kGCBackground | kGCTile |
kGCFillStyle | kGCGraphicsExposures;
gval.fForeground = fHilite;
gval.fBackground = fBackColor;
gval.fFillStyle = kFillTiled;
gval.fTile = checkered;
TGButton::fgHibckgndGC = gVirtualX->CreateGC(fRoot->GetId(), &gval);
TGRadioButton::fgR1 = gVirtualX->CreateBitmap(fRoot->GetId(),
(const char *)r1_bits, r_width, r_height);
TGRadioButton::fgR2 = gVirtualX->CreateBitmap(fRoot->GetId(),
(const char *)r2_bits, r_width, r_height);
TGRadioButton::fgR3 = gVirtualX->CreateBitmap(fRoot->GetId(),
(const char *)r3_bits, r_width, r_height);
TGRadioButton::fgR4 = gVirtualX->CreateBitmap(fRoot->GetId(),
(const char *)r4_bits, r_width, r_height);
TGRadioButton::fgR5 = gVirtualX->CreateBitmap(fRoot->GetId(),
(const char *)r5_bits, r_width, r_height);
TGPopupMenu::fgRadiomark =
TGRadioButton::fgR6 = gVirtualX->CreateBitmap(fRoot->GetId(),
(const char *)r6_bits, r_width, r_height);
TGPopupMenu::fgCheckmark = gVirtualX->CreateBitmap(fRoot->GetId(),
(const char *)chk_bits, chk_width, chk_height);
gval.fMask |= kGCFillStyle | kGCStipple;
gval.fForeground = fSelBackColor;
gval.fBackground = fBlack;
gval.fFillStyle = kFillStippled;
checkered1 = gVirtualX->CreatePixmap(fRoot->GetId(), (const char *)gray_bits,
gray_width, gray_height, 1, 0, 1);
gval.fStipple = checkered1;
TGSelectedPicture::fgSelectedGC = gVirtualX->CreateGC(fRoot->GetId(), &gval);
gval.fMask = kGCForeground | kGCBackground | kGCFunction | kGCFillStyle |
kGCLineWidth | kGCLineStyle | kGCSubwindowMode |
gval.fForeground = fWhite ^ fBlack;
gval.fBackground = fWhite;
gval.fFunction = kGXxor;
gval.fLineWidth = 0;
gval.fLineStyle = kLineOnOffDash;
gval.fFillStyle = kFillSolid;
gval.fSubwindowMode = kIncludeInferiors;
gval.fGraphicsExposures = kFALSE;
TGLVContainer::fgLineGC = gVirtualX->CreateGC(fRoot->GetId(), &gval);
gVirtualX->SetDashes(TGLVContainer::fgLineGC, 0, "x1\x1", 2);
fWaitForWindow = kNone;
if (fXfd > 0) {
TGInputHandler *xi = new TGInputHandler(this, fXfd);
// X11 events are handled via gXDisplay->Notify() in
// TUnixSystem::DispatchOneEvent(). When no events available we wait for
// events on all TFileHandlers including this one via a select() call.
// However, X11 events are always handled via gXDisplay->Notify() and not
// via the ReadNotify() (therefore TGInputHandler should not override
// TFileHandler::ReadNotify()).
gXDisplay = xi;
gClient = this;
const TGPicture *TGClient::GetPicture(const char *name)
// Get picture from pool. Picture must be freed using
// TGClient::FreePicture(). If picture is not found 0 is returned.
return fPicturePool->GetPicture(name);
const TGPicture *TGClient::GetPicture(const char *name,
UInt_t new_width, UInt_t new_height)
// Get picture with specified size from pool (picture will be scaled if
// necessary). Picture must be freed using TGClient::FreePicture(). If
// picture is not found 0 is returned.
return fPicturePool->GetPicture(name, new_width, new_height);
void TGClient::FreePicture(const TGPicture *pic)
// Free picture resource.
if (pic) fPicturePool->FreePicture(pic);
void TGClient::NeedRedraw(TGWindow *w)
// Set redraw flags.
w->fNeedRedraw = kTRUE;
fGlobalNeedRedraw = kTRUE;
Bool_t TGClient::GetColorByName(const char *name, ULong_t &pixel) const
// Get a color by name. If color is found return kTRUE and pixel is
// set to the color's pixel value, kFALSE otherwise.
ColorStruct_t color;
WindowAttributes_t attributes;
Bool_t status = kTRUE;
gVirtualX->GetWindowAttributes(fRoot->GetId(), attributes);
color.fPixel = 0;
if (!gVirtualX->ParseColor(attributes.fColormap, name, color)) {
Error("GetColorByName", "couldn't parse color %s", name);
status = kFALSE;
} else if(!gVirtualX->AllocColor(attributes.fColormap, color)) {
Warning("GetColorByName", "couldn't retrieve color %s", name);
status = kFALSE;
pixel = color.fPixel;
return status;
FontStruct_t TGClient::GetFontByName(const char *name) const
// Get a font by name. If font is not found, fixed font is returned,
// if fixed font also does not exist return 0 and print error.
FontStruct_t font = gVirtualX->LoadQueryFont(name);
if (!font) {
font = gVirtualX->LoadQueryFont("fixed");
if (font)
Warning("GetFontByName", "couldn't retrieve font %s, using "fixed"", name);
if (!font)
Error("GetFontByName", "couldn't retrieve font %s nor backup font "fixed"", name);
return font;
ULong_t TGClient::GetHilite(ULong_t base_color) const
// Return pixel value of hilite color based on base_color.
ColorStruct_t color, white_p;
WindowAttributes_t attributes;
gVirtualX->GetWindowAttributes(fRoot->GetId(), attributes);
color.fPixel = base_color;
gVirtualX->QueryColor(attributes.fColormap, color);
GetColorByName("white", white_p.fPixel);
gVirtualX->QueryColor(attributes.fColormap, white_p);
color.fRed = TMath::Max((UShort_t)(white_p.fRed/5), color.fRed);
color.fGreen = TMath::Max((UShort_t)(white_p.fGreen/5), color.fGreen);
color.fBlue = TMath::Max((UShort_t)(white_p.fBlue/5), color.fBlue);
color.fRed = (UShort_t)TMath::Min((Int_t)white_p.fRed, (Int_t)(color.fRed*140)/100);
color.fGreen = (UShort_t)TMath::Min((Int_t)white_p.fGreen, (Int_t)(color.fGreen*140)/100);
color.fBlue = (UShort_t)TMath::Min((Int_t)white_p.fBlue, (Int_t)(color.fBlue*140)/100);
if (!gVirtualX->AllocColor(attributes.fColormap, color))
Error("GetHilite", "couldn't allocate hilight color");
return color.fPixel;
ULong_t TGClient::GetShadow(ULong_t base_color) const
// Return pixel value of shadow color based on base_color.
// Shadow is 60% of base_color intensity.
ColorStruct_t color;
WindowAttributes_t attributes;
gVirtualX->GetWindowAttributes(fRoot->GetId(), attributes);
color.fPixel = base_color;
gVirtualX->QueryColor(attributes.fColormap, color);
color.fRed = (UShort_t)((color.fRed*60)/100);
color.fGreen = (UShort_t)((color.fGreen*60)/100);
color.fBlue = (UShort_t)((color.fBlue*60)/100);
if (!gVirtualX->AllocColor(attributes.fColormap, color))
Error("GetShadow", "couldn't allocate shadow color");
return color.fPixel;
void TGClient::RegisterWindow(TGWindow *w)
// Add a TGWindow to the clients list of windows.
void TGClient::UnregisterWindow(TGWindow *w)
// Remove a TGWindow from the list of windows.
TGWindow *TGClient::GetWindowById(Window_t wid) const
// Find a TGWindow via its handle. If window is not found return 0.
TGWindow wt(wid);
return (TGWindow *) fWlist->FindObject(&wt);
// Closing down client: cleanup and close X connection.
if (fWlist) fWlist->Delete();
delete fWlist;
delete fPicturePool;
delete fMimeTypeList;
gVirtualX->CloseDisplay(); // this should do a cleanup of the remaining
// X allocated objects...
Bool_t TGClient::ProcessOneEvent()
// Process one event. This method should only be called when there is
// a GUI event ready to be processed. If event has been processed
// kTRUE is returned. If processing of a specific event type for a specific
// window was requested kFALSE is returned when specific event has been
// processed, kTRUE otherwise. If no more pending events return kFALSE.
Event_t event;
if (gVirtualX->EventsPending()) {
if (fWaitForWindow == kNone) {
return kTRUE;
} else {
HandleMaskEvent(&event, fWaitForWindow);
if ((event.fType == fWaitForEvent) && (event.fWindow == fWaitForWindow))
fWaitForWindow = kNone;
return kTRUE;
// if nothing else to do redraw windows that need redrawing
if (DoRedraw()) return kTRUE;
return kFALSE;
Bool_t TGClient::HandleInput()
// Handles input from the display server. Returns kTRUE if one or more
// events have been processed, kFALSE otherwise.
Bool_t handledevent = kFALSE;
while (ProcessOneEvent())
handledevent = kTRUE;
return handledevent;
void TGClient::WaitFor(TGWindow *w)
// Wait for window to be destroyed.
Window_t wsave = fWaitForWindow;
fWaitForWindow = w->GetId();
fWaitForEvent = kDestroyNotify;
while (fWaitForWindow != kNone)
fWaitForWindow = wsave;
void TGClient::WaitForUnmap(TGWindow *w)
// Wait for window to be unmapped.
Window_t wsave = fWaitForWindow;
fWaitForWindow = w->GetId();
fWaitForEvent = kUnmapNotify;
while (fWaitForWindow != kNone)
fWaitForWindow = wsave;
Bool_t TGClient::DoRedraw()
// Redraw all windows that need redrawing. Returns kFALSE if no redraw
// was needed, kTRUE otherwise.
// Only redraw the application's windows when the event queue
// does not contain expose event anymore.
if (!fGlobalNeedRedraw) return kFALSE;
TGWindow *w;
TObjLink *lnk = fWlist->FirstLink();
while (lnk) {
w = (TGWindow *) lnk->GetObject();
if (w->fNeedRedraw) {
w->fNeedRedraw = kFALSE;
lnk = lnk->Next();
fGlobalNeedRedraw = kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
Bool_t TGClient::HandleEvent(Event_t *event)
// Handle a GUI event.
TGWindow *w;
// Find window where event happened
if ((w = GetWindowById(event->fWindow)) == 0) return kFALSE;
// and let it handle the event
return kTRUE;
Bool_t TGClient::HandleMaskEvent(Event_t *event, Window_t wid)
// Handle masked events only if window wid is the window for which the
// event was reported or if wid is a parent of the event window. The not
// masked event are handled directly. The masked events are:
// kButtonPress, kButtonRelease, kKeyPress, kKeyRelease, kEnterNotify,
// kLeaveNotify, kMotionNotify.
TGWindow *w, *ptr;
if ((w = GetWindowById(event->fWindow)) == 0) return kFALSE;
// This breaks class member protection, but TGClient is a friend of all
// classes and _should_ know what to do and what *not* to do...
for (ptr = w; ptr->fParent != 0; ptr = (TGWindow *) ptr->fParent)
if ((ptr->fId == wid) ||
((event->fType != kButtonPress) &&
(event->fType != kButtonRelease) &&
(event->fType != kGKeyPress) &&
(event->fType != kKeyRelease) &&
(event->fType != kEnterNotify) &&
(event->fType != kLeaveNotify) &&
(event->fType != kMotionNotify))) {
return kTRUE;
if (event->fType == kButtonPress || event->fType == kGKeyPress)
return kFALSE;
void TGClient::ProcessLine(TString cmd, Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2)
// Execute string "cmd" via the interpreter. Before executing replace
// in the command string the token $MSG, $PARM1 and $PARM2 by msg,
// parm1 and parm2, respectively. The function in cmd string must accept
// these as longs.
if (cmd.IsNull()) return;
char s[32];
sprintf(s, "%ld", msg);
cmd.ReplaceAll("$MSG", s);
sprintf(s, "%ld", parm1);
cmd.ReplaceAll("$PARM1", s);
sprintf(s, "%ld", parm2);
cmd.ReplaceAll("$PARM2", s);
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