//*CMZ :  2.23/04 08/10/99  17.39.59  by  Rene Brun
//*CMZ :  2.23/03 15/09/99  11.18.05  by  Rene Brun
//*CMZ :  2.22/08 07/07/99  11.44.39  by  Rene Brun
//*CMZ :  2.22/06 17/06/99  21.18.30  by  Rene Brun
//*CMZ :  2.22/03 31/05/99  09.06.17  by  Rene Brun
//*-- Author :    Fons Rademakers   29/07/95

 * Copyright(c) 1995-1999, The ROOT System, All rights reserved.         *
 * Authors: Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.                               *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/AA_LICENSE.                      *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/AA_CREDITS.                 *

//                                                                      //
// TMath                                                                //
//                                                                      //
// Encapsulate math routines (i.e. provide a kind of namespace).        //
// For the time being avoid templates.                                  //
//                                                                      //

#include "TMath.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>

//const Double_t
//   TMath::Pi = 3.14159265358979323846,
//   TMath::E  = 2.7182818284590452354;


#if defined(R__MAC) || defined(R__KCC)
Double_t hypot(Double_t x, Double_t y) {
   return sqrt(x*x+y*y);

 Long_t TMath::Sqrt(Long_t x)
   return (Long_t) (sqrt((Double_t)x) + 0.5);

Long_t TMath::Hypot(Long_t x, Long_t y)     // return sqrt(px*px + py*py);
   return (Long_t) (hypot(x, y) + 0.5);

 Double_t TMath::Hypot(Double_t x, Double_t y)
   return hypot(x, y);

 Double_t TMath::ASinH(Double_t x)
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(R__KCC)
   return log(x+sqrt(x*x+1));
   return asinh(x);

 Double_t TMath::ACosH(Double_t x)
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(R__KCC)
   return log(x+sqrt(x*x-1));
   return acosh(x);

 Double_t TMath::ATanH(Double_t x)
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(R__KCC)
   return log((1+x)/(1-x))/2;
   return atanh(x);

 Double_t TMath::Ceil(Double_t x)
   return ceil(x);

 Double_t TMath::Floor(Double_t x)
   return floor(x);

 Double_t TMath::Log2(Double_t x)
   return log(x)/log(2.0);

 Long_t TMath::NextPrime(Long_t x)
   // Return next prime number after x.

   if (x <= 3)
      return 3;

   if (x % 2 == 0)

   Long_t sqr = (Long_t) sqrt((Double_t)x) + 1;

   for (;;) {
      Long_t n;
      for (n = 3; (n <= sqr) && ((x % n) != 0); n += 2)
      if (n > sqr)
         return x;
      x += 2;

 Int_t TMath::Nint(Float_t x)
   int i;
   if (x >= 0) {
      i = int(x + 0.5);
      if (x + 0.5 == Float_t(i) && i & 1) i--;
   } else {
      i = int(x - 0.5);
      if (x - 0.5 == Float_t(i) && i & 1) i++;

   return i;

 Int_t TMath::Nint(Double_t x)
   int i;
   if (x >= 0) {
      i = int(x + 0.5);
      if (x + 0.5 == Double_t(i) && i & 1) i--;
   } else {
      i = int(x - 0.5);
      if (x - 0.5 == Double_t(i) && i & 1) i++;

   return i;

 Float_t *TMath::Cross(Float_t v1[3],Float_t v2[3],Float_t out[3])
   // Calculate the Cross Product of two vectors
   //         out = [v1 x v2]

    out[0] = v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1];
    out[1] = v1[2] * v2[0] - v1[0] * v2[2];
    out[2] = v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0];

    return out;

 Double_t *TMath::Cross(Double_t v1[3],Double_t v2[3],Double_t out[3])
   // Calculate the Cross Product of two vectors
   //         out = [v1 x v2]

    out[0] = v1[1] * v2[2] - v1[2] * v2[1];
    out[1] = v1[2] * v2[0] - v1[0] * v2[2];
    out[2] = v1[0] * v2[1] - v1[1] * v2[0];
    return out;

 Double_t TMath::Erf(Double_t x)
   // Computation of the error function erf(x).
   //--- NvE 14-nov-1998 UU-SAP Utrecht

   return (1-Erfc(x));

 Double_t TMath::Erfc(Double_t x)
   // Computation of the complementary error function erfc(x).
   // The algorithm is based on a Chebyshev fit as denoted in
   // Numerical Recipes 2nd ed. on p. 214 (W.H.Press et al.).
   // The fractional error is always less than 1.2e-7.
   //--- Nve 14-nov-1998 UU-SAP Utrecht

   // The parameters of the Chebyshev fit
   const Double_t a1 = -1.26551223,   a2 = 1.00002368,
                  a3 =  0.37409196,   a4 = 0.09678418,
                  a5 = -0.18628806,   a6 = 0.27886807,
                  a7 = -1.13520398,   a8 = 1.48851587,
                  a9 = -0.82215223,  a10 = 0.17087277;

   Double_t v = 1; // The return value
   Double_t z = Abs(x);

   if (z <= 0) return v; // erfc(0)=1

   Double_t t = 1/(1+0.5*z);

   v = t*Exp((-z*z) +a1+t*(a2+t*(a3+t*(a4+t*(a5+t*(a6+t*(a7+t*(a8+t*(a9+t*a10)))))))));

   if (x < 0) v = 2-v; // erfc(-x)=2-erfc(x)

   return v;

 Double_t TMath::Gamma(Double_t z)
   // Computation of gamma(z) for all z>0.
   // The algorithm is based on the article by C.Lanczos [1] as denoted in
   // Numerical Recipes 2nd ed. on p. 207 (W.H.Press et al.).
   // [1] C.Lanczos, SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis B1 (1964), 86.
   //--- Nve 14-nov-1998 UU-SAP Utrecht

   if (z<=0) return 0;

   Double_t v = LnGamma(z);
   return Exp(v);

 Double_t TMath::Gamma(Double_t a,Double_t x)
   // Computation of the incomplete gamma function P(a,x)
   // The algorithm is based on the formulas and code as denoted in
   // Numerical Recipes 2nd ed. on p. 210-212 (W.H.Press et al.).
   //--- Nve 14-nov-1998 UU-SAP Utrecht

   if (a <= 0 || x <= 0) return 0;

   if (x < (a+1)) return GamSer(a,x);
   else           return GamCf(a,x);

 Double_t TMath::GamCf(Double_t a,Double_t x)
   // Computation of the incomplete gamma function P(a,x)
   // via its continued fraction representation.
   // The algorithm is based on the formulas and code as denoted in
   // Numerical Recipes 2nd ed. on p. 210-212 (W.H.Press et al.).
   //--- Nve 14-nov-1998 UU-SAP Utrecht

   Int_t itmax    = 100;      // Maximum number of iterations
   Double_t eps   = 3.e-7;    // Relative accuracy
   Double_t fpmin = 1.e-30;   // Smallest Double_t value allowed here

   if (a <= 0 || x <= 0) return 0;

   Double_t gln = LnGamma(a);
   Double_t b   = x+1-a;
   Double_t c   = 1/fpmin;
   Double_t d   = 1/b;
   Double_t h   = d;
   Double_t an,del;
   for (Int_t i=1; i<=itmax; i++) {
      an = Double_t(-i)*(Double_t(i)-a);
      b += 2;
      d  = an*d+b;
      if (Abs(d) < fpmin) d = fpmin;
      c = b+an/c;
      if (Abs(c) < fpmin) c = fpmin;
      d   = 1/d;
      del = d*c;
      h   = h*del;
      if (Abs(del-1) < eps) break;
      //if (i==itmax) cout << "*GamCf(a,x)* a too large or itmax too small" << endl;
   Double_t v = Exp(-x+a*Log(x)-gln)*h;
   return (1-v);

 Double_t TMath::GamSer(Double_t a,Double_t x)
   // Computation of the incomplete gamma function P(a,x)
   // via its series representation.
   // The algorithm is based on the formulas and code as denoted in
   // Numerical Recipes 2nd ed. on p. 210-212 (W.H.Press et al.).
   //--- Nve 14-nov-1998 UU-SAP Utrecht

   Int_t itmax  = 100;   // Maximum number of iterations
   Double_t eps = 3.e-7; // Relative accuracy

   if (a <= 0 || x <= 0) return 0;

   Double_t gln = LnGamma(a);
   Double_t ap  = a;
   Double_t sum = 1/a;
   Double_t del = sum;
   for (Int_t n=1; n<=itmax; n++) {
      ap  += 1;
      del  = del*x/ap;
      sum += del;
      if (TMath::Abs(del) < Abs(sum*eps)) break;
      //if (n==itmax) cout << "*GamSer(a,x)* a too large or itmax too small" << endl;
   Double_t v = sum*Exp(-x+a*Log(x)-gln);
   return v;

 Double_t TMath::Gaus(Double_t x, Double_t mean, Double_t sigma)
   // Calculate a gaussian function with mean and sigma

    if (sigma == 0) return 1.e30;
    Double_t arg = (x-mean)/sigma;
    return TMath::Exp(-0.5*arg*arg);

 Double_t TMath::Landau(Double_t x, Double_t mean, Double_t sigma)
   // The LANDAU function with mean and sigma.
   // This function has been adapted from the CERNLIB routine G110 denlan.

   Double_t p1[5] = {0.4259894875,-0.1249762550, 0.03984243700, -0.006298287635,   0.001511162253};
   Double_t q1[5] = {1.0         ,-0.3388260629, 0.09594393323, -0.01608042283,    0.003778942063};

   Double_t p2[5] = {0.1788541609, 0.1173957403, 0.01488850518, -0.001394989411,   0.0001283617211};
   Double_t q2[5] = {1.0         , 0.7428795082, 0.3153932961,   0.06694219548,    0.008790609714};

   Double_t p3[5] = {0.1788544503, 0.09359161662,0.006325387654, 0.00006611667319,-0.000002031049101};
   Double_t q3[5] = {1.0         , 0.6097809921, 0.2560616665,   0.04746722384,    0.006957301675};

   Double_t p4[5] = {0.9874054407, 118.6723273,  849.2794360,   -743.7792444,      427.0262186};
   Double_t q4[5] = {1.0         , 106.8615961,  337.6496214,    2016.712389,      1597.063511};

   Double_t p5[5] = {1.003675074,  167.5702434,  4789.711289,    21217.86767,     -22324.94910};
   Double_t q5[5] = {1.0         , 156.9424537,  3745.310488,    9834.698876,      66924.28357};

   Double_t p6[5] = {1.000827619,  664.9143136,  62972.92665,    475554.6998,     -5743609.109};
   Double_t q6[5] = {1.0         , 651.4101098,  56974.73333,    165917.4725,     -2815759.939};

   Double_t a1[3] = {0.04166666667,-0.01996527778, 0.02709538966};

   Double_t a2[2] = {-1.845568670,-4.284640743};

   if (sigma <= 0) return 0;
   Double_t v = (x-mean)/sigma;
   Double_t u, ue, us, den;
   if (v < -5.5) {
      u   = TMath::Exp(v+1.0);
      ue  = TMath::Exp(-1/u);
      us  = TMath::Sqrt(u);
      den = 0.3989422803*(ue/us)*(1+(a1[0]+(a1[1]+a1[2]*u)*u)*u);
   } else if(v < -1) {
       u   = TMath::Exp(-v-1);
       den = TMath::Exp(-u)*TMath::Sqrt(u)*
   } else if(v < 1) {
       den = (p2[0]+(p2[1]+(p2[2]+(p2[3]+p2[4]*v)*v)*v)*v)/
   } else if(v < 5) {
       den = (p3[0]+(p3[1]+(p3[2]+(p3[3]+p3[4]*v)*v)*v)*v)/
   } else if(v < 12) {
       u   = 1/v;
       den = u*u*(p4[0]+(p4[1]+(p4[2]+(p4[3]+p4[4]*u)*u)*u)*u)/
   } else if(v < 50) {
       u   = 1/v;
       den = u*u*(p5[0]+(p5[1]+(p5[2]+(p5[3]+p5[4]*u)*u)*u)*u)/
   } else if(v < 300) {
       u   = 1/v;
       den = u*u*(p6[0]+(p6[1]+(p6[2]+(p6[3]+p6[4]*u)*u)*u)*u)/
   } else {
       u   = 1/(v-v*TMath::Log(v)/(v+1));
       den = u*u*(1+(a2[0]+a2[1]*u)*u);
   return den;

 Double_t TMath::LnGamma(Double_t z)
   // Computation of ln[gamma(z)] for all z>0.
   // The algorithm is based on the article by C.Lanczos [1] as denoted in
   // Numerical Recipes 2nd ed. on p. 207 (W.H.Press et al.).
   // [1] C.Lanczos, SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis B1 (1964), 86.
   // The accuracy of the result is better than 2e-10.
   //--- Nve 14-nov-1998 UU-SAP Utrecht

   if (z<=0) return 0;

   // Coefficients for the series expansion
   Double_t c[7] = { 2.5066282746310005, 76.18009172947146, -86.50532032941677
                   ,24.01409824083091,  -1.231739572450155, 0.1208650973866179e-2

   Double_t x   = z;
   Double_t y   = x;
   Double_t tmp = x+5.5;
   tmp = (x+0.5)*Log(tmp)-tmp;
   Double_t ser = 1.000000000190015;
   for (Int_t i=1; i<7; i++) {
      y   += 1;
      ser += c[i]/y;
   Double_t v = tmp+Log(c[0]*ser/x);
   return v;

 Float_t TMath::Normalize(Float_t v[3])
   // Normalize a vector v in place
   // Return:
   //    The norm of the original vector

    Float_t d = Sqrt(v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]+v[2]*v[2]);
    if (d != 0)
      v[0] /= d;
      v[1] /= d;
      v[2] /= d;
    return d;

 Double_t TMath::Normalize(Double_t v[3])
   // Normalize a vector v in place
   //  Return:
   //    The norm of the original vector

    Double_t d = Sqrt(v[0]*v[0]+v[1]*v[1]+v[2]*v[2]);
    if (d != 0)
      v[0] /= d;
      v[1] /= d;
      v[2] /= d;
    return d;

 Float_t *TMath::Normal2Plane(Float_t p1[3],Float_t p2[3],Float_t p3[3], Float_t normal[3])
   // Calculate a normal vector of a plane
   //  Input:
   //     Float_t *p1,*p2,*p3  -  3 3D points belonged the plane to define it.
   //  Return:
   //     Pointer to 3D normal vector (normalized)

   Float_t v1[3], v2[3];

   v1[0] = p2[0] - p1[0];
   v1[1] = p2[1] - p1[1];
   v1[2] = p2[2] - p1[2];

   v2[0] = p3[0] - p1[0];
   v2[1] = p3[1] - p1[1];
   v2[2] = p3[2] - p1[2];

   return normal;

 Double_t *TMath::Normal2Plane(Double_t p1[3],Double_t p2[3],Double_t p3[3], Double_t normal[3])
   // Calculate a normal vector of a plane
   //  Input:
   //     Float_t *p1,*p2,*p3  -  3 3D points belonged the plane to define it.
   //  Return:
   //     Pointer to 3D normal vector (normalized)

   Double_t v1[3], v2[3];

   v1[0] = p2[0] - p1[0];
   v1[1] = p2[1] - p1[1];
   v1[2] = p2[2] - p1[2];

   v2[0] = p3[0] - p1[0];
   v2[1] = p3[1] - p1[1];
   v2[2] = p3[2] - p1[2];

   return normal;

 Double_t TMath::Prob(Double_t chi2,Int_t ndf)
   // Computation of the probability for a certain Chi-squared (chi2)
   // and number of degrees of freedom (ndf).
   // Calculations are based on the incomplete gamma function P(a,x),
   // where a=ndf/2 and x=chi2/2.
   // P(a,x) represents the probability that the observed Chi-squared
   // for a correct model should be less than the value chi2.
   // The returned probability corresponds to 1-P(a,x),
   // which denotes the probability that an observed Chi-squared exceeds
   // the value chi2 by chance, even for a correct model.
   //--- NvE 14-nov-1998 UU-SAP Utrecht

   if (ndf <= 0) return 0; // Set CL to zero in case ndf<=0

   if (chi2 <= 0) {
      if (chi2 < 0) return 0;
      else          return 1;

   if (ndf==1) {
      Double_t v = 1.-Erf(Sqrt(chi2)/Sqrt(2.));
      return v;

   // Gaussian approximation for large ndf
   Double_t q = Sqrt(2*chi2)-Sqrt(Double_t(2*ndf-1));
   if (ndf > 30 && q > 0) {
      Double_t v = 0.5*(1-Erf(q/Sqrt(2.)));
      return v;

   // Evaluate the incomplete gamma function
   return (1-Gamma(0.5*ndf,0.5*chi2));

 Int_t TMath::LocMin(Int_t n, Short_t *a)
   // Return index of array with the minimum element
   // If more than one element is minimum returns first found

  if  (n <= 0) return -1;
  Short_t xmin = a[0];
  Int_t loc = 0;
  for  (Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     if (xmin > a[i])  {
         xmin = a[i];
         loc = i;
  return loc;

 Int_t TMath::LocMin(Int_t n, Int_t *a)
   // Return index of array with the minimum element
   // If more than one element is minimum returns first found

  if  (n <= 0) return -1;
  Int_t xmin = a[0];
  Int_t loc = 0;
  for  (Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     if (xmin > a[i])  {
         xmin = a[i];
         loc = i;
  return loc;

 Int_t TMath::LocMin(Int_t n, Float_t *a)
   // Return index of array with the minimum element
   // If more than one element is minimum returns first found

  if  (n <= 0) return -1;
  Float_t xmin = a[0];
  Int_t loc = 0;
  for  (Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     if (xmin > a[i])  {
         xmin = a[i];
         loc = i;
  return loc;

 Int_t TMath::LocMin(Int_t n, Double_t *a)
   // Return index of array with the minimum element
   // If more than one element is minimum returns first found

  if  (n <= 0) return -1;
  Double_t xmin = a[0];
  Int_t loc = 0;
  for  (Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     if (xmin > a[i])  {
         xmin = a[i];
         loc = i;
  return loc;

 Int_t TMath::LocMax(Int_t n, Short_t *a)
   // Return index of array with the maximum element
   // If more than one element is maximum returns first found

  if  (n <= 0) return -1;
  Short_t xmax = a[0];
  Int_t loc = 0;
  for  (Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     if (xmax < a[i])  {
         xmax = a[i];
         loc = i;
  return loc;

 Int_t TMath::LocMax(Int_t n, Int_t *a)
   // Return index of array with the maximum element
   // If more than one element is maximum returns first found

  if  (n <= 0) return -1;
  Int_t xmax = a[0];
  Int_t loc = 0;
  for  (Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     if (xmax < a[i])  {
         xmax = a[i];
         loc = i;
  return loc;

 Int_t TMath::LocMax(Int_t n, Float_t *a)
   // Return index of array with the maximum element
   // If more than one element is maximum returns first found

  if  (n <= 0) return -1;
  Float_t xmax = a[0];
  Int_t loc = 0;
  for  (Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     if (xmax < a[i])  {
         xmax = a[i];
         loc = i;
  return loc;

 Int_t TMath::LocMax(Int_t n, Double_t *a)
   // Return index of array with the maximum element
   // If more than one element is maximum returns first found

  if  (n <= 0) return -1;
  Double_t xmax = a[0];
  Int_t loc = 0;
  for  (Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
     if (xmax < a[i])  {
         xmax = a[i];
         loc = i;
  return loc;

 Int_t TMath::BinarySearch(Int_t n, Short_t *array, Short_t value)
   // Binary search in an array of n values to locate value
   // Array is supposed  to be sorted prior to this call.
   // If match is found, function returns position of element.
   // If no match found, function gives nearest element smaller than value.

   Int_t nabove, nbelow, middle;
   nabove = n+1;
   nbelow = 0;
   while(nabove-nbelow > 1) {
      middle = (nabove+nbelow)/2;
      if (value == array[middle-1]) return middle-1;
      if (value  < array[middle-1]) nabove = middle;
      else                          nbelow = middle;
   return nbelow-1;

 Int_t TMath::BinarySearch(Int_t n, Short_t **array, Short_t value)
   // Binary search in an array of n values to locate value
   // Array is supposed  to be sorted prior to this call.
   // If match is found, function returns position of element.
   // If no match found, function gives nearest element smaller than value.

   Int_t nabove, nbelow, middle;
   nabove = n+1;
   nbelow = 0;
   while(nabove-nbelow > 1) {
      middle = (nabove+nbelow)/2;
      if (value == *array[middle-1]) return middle-1;
      if (value  < *array[middle-1]) nabove = middle;
      else                           nbelow = middle;
   return nbelow-1;

 Int_t TMath::BinarySearch(Int_t n, Int_t *array, Int_t value)
   // Binary search in an array of n values to locate value
   // Array is supposed  to be sorted prior to this call.
   // If match is found, function returns position of element.
   // If no match found, function gives nearest element smaller than value.

   Int_t nabove, nbelow, middle;
   nabove = n+1;
   nbelow = 0;
   while(nabove-nbelow > 1) {
      middle = (nabove+nbelow)/2;
      if (value == array[middle-1]) return middle-1;
      if (value  < array[middle-1]) nabove = middle;
      else                          nbelow = middle;
   return nbelow-1;

 Int_t TMath::BinarySearch(Int_t n, Int_t **array, Int_t value)
   // Binary search in an array of n values to locate value
   // Array is supposed  to be sorted prior to this call.
   // If match is found, function returns position of element.
   // If no match found, function gives nearest element smaller than value.

   Int_t nabove, nbelow, middle;
   nabove = n+1;
   nbelow = 0;
   while(nabove-nbelow > 1) {
      middle = (nabove+nbelow)/2;
      if (value == *array[middle-1]) return middle-1;
      if (value  < *array[middle-1]) nabove = middle;
      else                           nbelow = middle;
   return nbelow-1;

 Int_t TMath::BinarySearch(Int_t n, Float_t *array, Float_t value)
   // Binary search in an array of n values to locate value
   // Array is supposed  to be sorted prior to this call.
   // If match is found, function returns position of element.
   // If no match found, function gives nearest element smaller than value.

   Int_t nabove, nbelow, middle;
   nabove = n+1;
   nbelow = 0;
   while(nabove-nbelow > 1) {
      middle = (nabove+nbelow)/2;
      if (value == array[middle-1]) return middle-1;
      if (value  < array[middle-1]) nabove = middle;
      else                          nbelow = middle;
   return nbelow-1;

 Int_t TMath::BinarySearch(Int_t n, Float_t **array, Float_t value)
   // Binary search in an array of n values to locate value
   // Array is supposed  to be sorted prior to this call.
   // If match is found, function returns position of element.
   // If no match found, function gives nearest element smaller than value.

   Int_t nabove, nbelow, middle;
   nabove = n+1;
   nbelow = 0;
   while(nabove-nbelow > 1) {
      middle = (nabove+nbelow)/2;
      if (value == *array[middle-1]) return middle-1;
      if (value  < *array[middle-1]) nabove = middle;
      else                           nbelow = middle;
   return nbelow-1;

 Int_t TMath::BinarySearch(Int_t n, Double_t *array, Double_t value)
   // Binary search in an array of n values to locate value
   // Array is supposed  to be sorted prior to this call.
   // If match is found, function returns position of element.
   // If no match found, function gives nearest element smaller than value.

   Int_t nabove, nbelow, middle;
   nabove = n+1;
   nbelow = 0;
   while(nabove-nbelow > 1) {
      middle = (nabove+nbelow)/2;
      if (value == array[middle-1]) return middle-1;
      if (value  < array[middle-1]) nabove = middle;
      else                          nbelow = middle;
   return nbelow-1;

 Int_t TMath::BinarySearch(Int_t n, Double_t **array, Double_t value)
   // Binary search in an array of n values to locate value
   // Array is supposed  to be sorted prior to this call.
   // If match is found, function returns position of element.
   // If no match found, function gives nearest element smaller than value.

   Int_t nabove, nbelow, middle;
   nabove = n+1;
   nbelow = 0;
   while(nabove-nbelow > 1) {
      middle = (nabove+nbelow)/2;
      if (value == *array[middle-1]) return middle-1;
      if (value  < *array[middle-1]) nabove = middle;
      else                           nbelow = middle;
   return nbelow-1;

 void TMath::Sort(Int_t n1, Short_t *a, Int_t *index, Bool_t down)
   //  Sort the n1 elements of the Short_t array a.
   //  In output the array index contains the indices of the sorted array.
   //  If down is false sort in increasing order (default is decreasing order).
   //  This is a translation of the CERNLIB routine sortzv (M101)
   //  based on the quicksort algorithm.
   //  NOTE that the array index must be created with a length >= n1
   //  before calling this function.

   Int_t i,i1,n,i2,i3,i33,i222,iswap,n2;
   Int_t i22 = 0;
   Short_t ai;
   n = n1;
   if (n <= 0) return;
   if (n == 1) {index[0] = 0; return;}
   for (i=0;i<n;i++) index[i] = i+1;
   for (i1=2;i1<=n;i1++) {
      i3 = i1;
      i33 = index[i3-1];
      ai  = a[i33-1];
      while(1) {
         i2 = i3/2;
         if (i2 <= 0) break;
         i22 = index[i2-1];
         if (ai <= a[i22-1]) break;
         index[i3-1] = i22;
         i3 = i2;
      index[i3-1] = i33;

   while(1) {
      i3 = index[n-1];
      index[n-1] = index[0];
      ai = a[i3-1];
      if(n-1 < 0) {index[0] = i3; break;}
      i1 = 1;
      while(2) {
         i2 = i1+i1;
         if (i2 <= n) i22 = index[i2-1];
         if (i2-n > 0) {index[i1-1] = i3; break;}
         if (i2-n < 0) {
            i222 = index[i2];
            if (a[i22-1] - a[i222-1] < 0) {
                i22 = i222;
         if (ai - a[i22-1] > 0) {index[i1-1] = i3; break;}
         index[i1-1] = i22;
         i1 = i2;
   for (i=0;i<n1;i++) index[i]--;
   if (!down) return;
   n2 = n1/2;
   for (i=0;i<n2;i++) {
      iswap         = index[i];
      index[i]      = index[n1-i-1];
      index[n1-i-1] = iswap;

 void TMath::Sort(Int_t n1, Int_t *a, Int_t *index, Bool_t down)
   //  Sort the n1 elements of the Int_t array a.
   //  In output the array index contains the indices of the sorted array.
   //  If down is false sort in increasing order (default is decreasing order).
   //  This is a translation of the CERNLIB routine sortzv (M101)
   //  based on the quicksort algorithm.
   //  NOTE that the array index must be created with a length >= n1
   //  before calling this function.

   Int_t i,i1,n,i2,i3,i33,i222,iswap,n2;
   Int_t i22 = 0;
   Int_t ai;
   n = n1;
   if (n <= 0) return;
   if (n == 1) {index[0] = 0; return;}
   for (i=0;i<n;i++) index[i] = i+1;
   for (i1=2;i1<=n;i1++) {
      i3 = i1;
      i33 = index[i3-1];
      ai  = a[i33-1];
      while(1) {
         i2 = i3/2;
         if (i2 <= 0) break;
         i22 = index[i2-1];
         if (ai <= a[i22-1]) break;
         index[i3-1] = i22;
         i3 = i2;
      index[i3-1] = i33;

   while(1) {
      i3 = index[n-1];
      index[n-1] = index[0];
      ai = a[i3-1];
      if(n-1 < 0) {index[0] = i3; break;}
      i1 = 1;
      while(2) {
         i2 = i1+i1;
         if (i2 <= n) i22 = index[i2-1];
         if (i2-n > 0) {index[i1-1] = i3; break;}
         if (i2-n < 0) {
            i222 = index[i2];
            if (a[i22-1] - a[i222-1] < 0) {
                i22 = i222;
         if (ai - a[i22-1] > 0) {index[i1-1] = i3; break;}
         index[i1-1] = i22;
         i1 = i2;
   for (i=0;i<n1;i++) index[i]--;
   if (!down) return;
   n2 = n1/2;
   for (i=0;i<n2;i++) {
      iswap         = index[i];
      index[i]      = index[n1-i-1];
      index[n1-i-1] = iswap;

 void TMath::Sort(Int_t n1, Float_t *a, Int_t *index, Bool_t down)
   //  Sort the n1 elements of the Float_t array a.
   //  In output the array index contains the indices of the sorted array.
   //  If down is false sort in increasing order (default is decreasing order).
   //  This is a translation of the CERNLIB routine sortzv (M101)
   //  based on the quicksort algorithm.
   //  NOTE that the array index must be created with a length >= n1
   //  before calling this function.

   Int_t i,i1,n,i2,i3,i33,i222,iswap,n2;
   Int_t i22 = 0;
   Float_t ai;
   n = n1;
   if (n <= 0) return;
   if (n == 1) {index[0] = 0; return;}
   for (i=0;i<n;i++) index[i] = i+1;
   for (i1=2;i1<=n;i1++) {
      i3 = i1;
      i33 = index[i3-1];
      ai  = a[i33-1];
      while(1) {
         i2 = i3/2;
         if (i2 <= 0) break;
         i22 = index[i2-1];
         if (ai <= a[i22-1]) break;
         index[i3-1] = i22;
         i3 = i2;
      index[i3-1] = i33;

   while(1) {
      i3 = index[n-1];
      index[n-1] = index[0];
      ai = a[i3-1];
      if(n-1 < 0) {index[0] = i3; break;}
      i1 = 1;
      while(2) {
         i2 = i1+i1;
         if (i2 <= n) i22 = index[i2-1];
         if (i2-n > 0) {index[i1-1] = i3; break;}
         if (i2-n < 0) {
            i222 = index[i2];
            if (a[i22-1] - a[i222-1] < 0) {
                i22 = i222;
         if (ai - a[i22-1] > 0) {index[i1-1] = i3; break;}
         index[i1-1] = i22;
         i1 = i2;
   for (i=0;i<n1;i++) index[i]--;
   if (!down) return;
   n2 = n1/2;
   for (i=0;i<n2;i++) {
      iswap         = index[i];
      index[i]      = index[n1-i-1];
      index[n1-i-1] = iswap;

 void TMath::Sort(Int_t n1, Double_t *a, Int_t *index, Bool_t down)
   //  Sort the n1 elements of the Double_t array a.
   //  In output the array index contains the indices of the sorted array.
   //  If down is false sort in increasing order (default is decreasing order).
   //  This is a translation of the CERNLIB routine sortzv (M101)
   //  based on the quicksort algorithm.
   //  NOTE that the array index must be created with a length >= n1
   //  before calling this function.

   Int_t i,i1,n,i2,i3,i33,i222,iswap,n2;
   Int_t i22 = 0;
   Double_t ai;
   n = n1;
   if (n <= 0) return;
   if (n == 1) {index[0] = 0; return;}
   for (i=0;i<n;i++) index[i] = i+1;
   for (i1=2;i1<=n;i1++) {
      i3 = i1;
      i33 = index[i3-1];
      ai  = a[i33-1];
      while(1) {
         i2 = i3/2;
         if (i2 <= 0) break;
         i22 = index[i2-1];
         if (ai <= a[i22-1]) break;
         index[i3-1] = i22;
         i3 = i2;
      index[i3-1] = i33;

   while(1) {
      i3 = index[n-1];
      index[n-1] = index[0];
      ai = a[i3-1];
      if(n-1 < 0) {index[0] = i3; break;}
      i1 = 1;
      while(2) {
         i2 = i1+i1;
         if (i2 <= n) i22 = index[i2-1];
         if (i2-n > 0) {index[i1-1] = i3; break;}
         if (i2-n < 0) {
            i222 = index[i2];
            if (a[i22-1] - a[i222-1] < 0) {
                i22 = i222;
         if (ai - a[i22-1] > 0) {index[i1-1] = i3; break;}
         index[i1-1] = i22;
         i1 = i2;
   for (i=0;i<n1;i++) index[i]--;
   if (!down) return;
   n2 = n1/2;
   for (i=0;i<n2;i++) {
      iswap         = index[i];
      index[i]      = index[n1-i-1];
      index[n1-i-1] = iswap;

 ULong_t TMath::Hash(const void *txt, Int_t ntxt)
   // Calculates hash index from any char string
   // based on precalculated table of 256 specially selected
   // random numbers.
   //   For string:  i = TExMap::Hash(string,nstring);
   //   For int:     i = TExMap::Hash(&intword,sizeof(int));
   //   For pointer: i = TExMap::Hash(&pointer,sizeof(void*));
   //   Limitation: for ntxt>256 calculates hash only from first 256 bytes
   //              V.Perev

   const UChar_t *uc = (const UChar_t*) txt;
   ULong_t  u = 0, uu = 0;

   static ULong_t utab[256] =

   ntxt &= 255;

   for ( ; ntxt--; uc++) {
      uu = uu<<1 ^ utab[(*uc) ^ ntxt];
      u ^= uu;
   return u;

 ULong_t TMath::Hash(const char *txt)
   return Hash(txt, Int_t(strlen(txt)));

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