Zsh META-FAQ $Revision: 1.14 $ The latest version of this META-FAQ can be found at any of the ftp sites below, or at: http://www.math.gatech.edu/zsh/meta-faq.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Zsh Ftp Sites Zsh is available from the following anonymous ftp sites. The first is the official archive site. The rest are mirror sites which are kept frequently up to date. USA ftp://ftp.math.gatech.edu/pub/zsh/ ftp://ftp.sterling.com/zsh/ ftp://ftp.rge.com/pub/shells/zsh/ UK ftp://mrrl.lut.ac.uk/zsh/ France ftp://ftp.cenatls.cena.dgac.fr/pub/shells/zsh/ Norway ftp://ftp.uit.no/pub/unix/shells/zsh/ Germany ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/pub/unix/shells/zsh/ Australia ftp://ftp.ips.oz.au/pub/packages/zsh/ Japan ftp://ftp.iij.ad.jp/pub/misc/zsh/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Zsh Web Page Zsh has a web page maintained by Mark Borges which is located at: http://www.mal.com/zsh/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Zsh FAQ Zsh has a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) maintained by Peter Stephenson . The latest version can be found at any of the ftp sites above, or at: http://www.mal.com/zsh/FAQ/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Zsh Mailing Lists Zsh has three mailing lists. zsh-announce@math.gatech.edu (announcements [moderated list]) zsh-users@math.gatech.edu (user discussions) zsh-workers@math.gatech.edu (zsh hacking and development) To subscribe, send mail with the SUBJECT "subscribe e-mail-address" (without quotes) to the associated administrative address for the mailing list. zsh-announce-request@math.gatech.edu zsh-users-request@math.gatech.edu zsh-workers-request@math.gatech.edu YOU ONLY NEED TO JOIN ONE OF THE MAILING LISTS AS THEY ARE NESTED. All submissions to zsh-announce are automatically forwarded to zsh-users. All submissions to zsh-users are automatically forwarded to zsh-workers. Un-subscribing is done similarly. If you have problems subscribing/unsubscribing to any of the mailing lists, send mail to Richard Coleman . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Richard Coleman (Coordinator, Zsh Development Group) zsh@math.gatech.edu (zsh e-mail) coleman@math.gatech.edu (general e-mail)