Information on transportation to and from the airport can be found
by following this link:
Within the city of Norman public transportation is limited. Lodging
facilities within walking distance of the workshop are available.
Driving Directions
From I-35
The closest airport is Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City (see
first map). Follow the signs towards I-35 South, Dallas,
via I-44 West (yes, WEST) and I-240 East, to get to Norman.
For those traveling from Dallas, Norman is about 2.5 hours
North, on I-35.
From I-35, take the Lindsey Street exit, 108B.
Follow Lindsey Street east
for 1.6 miles to Elm Ave, turn left (north).
Follow Elm Ave for
under 1 mile to Boyd Street (the next traffic light).
Turn right (east) on Boyd Street, then right again (south)
on Asp Ave (second light), and the Union Parking Garage
will be on your right, just before the three-way stop sign.
It is at E-3 on this
Parking Map and Building 110 on this
Campus Map. The interactice Flash map requires Flash 8,
by the way.
Parking in the Union Garage or the Visitor center
visitor parking (North Oval) is $1.00/hour.
Location --
The workshop will be in Room 321 in Evans Hall,
on the main campus of the University of Oklahoma.
To get to Evans Hall from the Parking Garage,
walk west towards the North Oval, then south.
Evans Hall is the building in the center of the south end
of the North Oval.
It is at D-4 on the
Parking Map and Building 7 on the
Campus Map.
Room 321 is on the east side of the building
on the third floor.
To get to the Physics Department (Nielsen Hall --
marked with a
on the second map) from the Parking Garage,
walk west towards the North Oval, then south on the west side
of the North Oval, continue south on the west side of the Library,
and Nielsen Hall is on Brooks Street directly south of
the Library Clock Tower. It is at D-5 on the
Parking Map and Building 27 on the
Campus Map.
If you have any questions, please contact Horst Severini by
or phone - (405) 325-3961 x36359.
an average forecast for Oklahoma weather in September. While it is pretty
warm outside, all facilities are air conditioned.