DØ Software
All participants should have a working cluster (or at least one machine)
with production release (p14.02 or higher) of the DØ software
They should also have a working SAM station.
Remote MC Farm Operation Software
Participating instutions who have not yet done so are encouraged to
go through the setup for
DØ Remote Analysis.
If you encounter problems, OU and UTA team members will be available
during the workshop for trouble shooting.
Setup for MC Farm, see
Install Ganglia, a resource monitoring application, for online,
real-time monitoring of your resources.
The installation instructions can be found
Allow UTA graphical display (McFarmGraph) access your site for updated
MC job status display.
Grid Software
Specific Requirements for Remote MC Job Submission Demo
Download a real MC production request from the
central MC production site.
Generate the corresponding PYTHIA file and min-bias event files
ahead of the workshop.