SAR Workshop 2003 SAR Workshop 2003
Agenda Preparation Network Access VRVS & Teleconferencing Registration Directions & Parking Lodging Places to Eat Things to Do

SAR Workshop Preparation Guide

  • DØ Software
    • All participants should have a working cluster (or at least one machine) with production release (p14.02 or higher) of the DØ software installed.
    • They should also have a working SAM station.

  • Remote MC Farm Operation Software
    • Participating instutions who have not yet done so are encouraged to go through the setup for DØ Remote Analysis.
    • If you encounter problems, OU and UTA team members will be available during the workshop for trouble shooting.
    • Setup for MC Farm, see
    • Install Ganglia, a resource monitoring application, for online, real-time monitoring of your resources. The installation instructions can be found here.
    • Allow UTA graphical display (McFarmGraph) access your site for updated MC job status display.

  • Grid Software

  • Specific Requirements for Remote MC Job Submission Demo
    • Download a real MC production request from the central MC production site.
    • Generate the corresponding PYTHIA file and min-bias event files ahead of the workshop.

Email: Horst Severini    |   Phone: 405-325-3961 ext. 36415   |   Fax: 405-325-7557

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