The University of Oklahoma, Norman ATLAS home page

ATLAS is one of two experiment designs for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) to be built at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, near Geneva, Switzerland. The High Energy Physics program in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Oklahoma (OUHEP) is contributing to the design of a portion of the inner detector for ATLAS. Specifically, we are designing the high density interconnects and multichip modules for the pixel disks. To view the current designs and learn more about our work, click the following links ...

The Flex Hybrid drawings

Links to other ATLAS and related pages :

Complete list of ATLAS INDET notes.
Virtual reality pictures of ATLAS.
Analog readout chips.

Details of ATLAS analogue readout schemes under development at CERN and elsewhere.....
CERN--ATLAS home page

This page is maintained by Rusty Boyd.


Last updated: 21 October 1998