Friday, Sept. 26, 2003
8:30 -- 9:00 am
Coffee & Donuts
Room 321, Evans Hall
9:00 -- 9:15 am
Welcome by OU CIO and VP for IT
Dennis Aebersold
9:15 -- 9:30 am
Workshop Goals and Organization
Patrick Skubic
9:30 -- 9:50 am
SAM-Grid and JIM Overview
Amber Boehnlein
9:50 -- 10:10 am
SAM-Grid and JIM Specifics
Gabriele Garzoglio
10:10 -- 10:30 am
Grid2003 and Trillium Status
Ruth Pordes
10:30 -- 11:00 am
Coffee Break
11:00 -- 11:20 am
McFarm on Generic Clusters
Horst Severini
11:20 -- 11:40 am
Status of new UTA Cluster
Patrick McGuigan
11:40 am -- 12:00 pm
ATLAS DC Production Status
Kaushik De
12:00 -- 1:15 pm
1:15 -- 1:35 pm
Joel Snow
1:35 -- 2:00 pm
McFarm Improvements
Drew Meyer
2:00 -- 2:10 pm
OU/OSU EPSCoR Proposal
Mike Strauss
2:10 -- 3:10 pm
LTU Status
LU Status
OU Status
UTA Status
SPRACE, Universidade Estadual Paulista
Cinvestav, Mexico Status
Dick Greenwood
Joel Snow
Horst Severini
Jae Yu
Sergio Novaes
Heriberto Castilla
3:10 -- 3:30 pm
Coffee Break
3:30 -- 3:45 pm
SAM-Grid Installation Status
Heuhnu Kim
3:45 -- 5:45 pm
SAM-Grid Installation Session
Mediated by Heuhnu Kim
6:00 pm --
Banquet at Legends
Saturday, Sept. 27, 2003
8:30 -- 9:00 am
Coffee & Donuts
Room 321, Evans Hall
9:00 -- 11:00 am
Discussions on SAR Work, Goals,
and Milestones -- with focus on Physics Analyses
OU Physics Interests
UTA Physics Interests
Mediated by Patrick Skubic
Phil Gutierrez
Andy White
11:00 -- 11:30 am
Coffee Break
11:30 am -- 12:00 pm
The OU Supercomputing Center for Education & Research
Henry Neeman
12:15 -- 12:45 pm
Henry Neeman
1:00 pm
End of Workshop