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Basic Linux Commands
This page contains a table of basic Linux commands and their uses. Many of them will not need to be used specifically to create or analyze ntuple files, but are still useful enough to be included here.

Possibly the most useful command is 'man [x]', since it will give you complete information about any other command you type in place of [x].

This command reference was borrowed from http://www.justlinux.com/nhf/Command_Reference.

Command Description
cd x (or cd /x) go to directory x
cd .. go up one directory
x then [tab] <beep> [tab] view all commands starting with x
ls (or dir) list a directory
mv x y move or rename file x to file y
cp x y copy file x to file y
rm x delete a file
mkdir x make a directory
rm -r x remove directory x and all its underlying files
man x get a manual page about command x
less x or cat x | more view text file x
cat view a textfile on the terminal
pico x or ed x or vi x edit text file x
echo print something on the screen
chmod <permissions> <file> Change file permissions
chown <owner> <file> Change file ownership
chgrp <group name> <file> Change file group ownership
ls -ao List all files in current directory, in alphabetical order, including file sizes, owners, permissions, and dates.
ln -s x y Make a symbolic link to x named y
find x -name y -print find file y, begin the search from within directory x and print the results to the screen
ps -e to view all running processes
kill -9 x to terminate process x (x is PID from ps)
./foo run program or script foo (in current dir.)