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Tutorial 2: Modular Macro Files
In this tutorial I will cover the reasoning and methods involved in creating and managing modular macro files. These instructions assume that you have already worked through Tutorial 1. For this tutorial, you will once again need to be physically logged in on the OUHEP cluster, for the same reasons described before.


First, download the files for this tutorial here: sample2.tar.gz

Save the file in your atlas directory, then unpack it as before:
$ cd ~/atlas
$ tar -xzvf sample2.tar.gz
You will now have several new files in your atlas directory:
You will need all of these files, along with the files remaining from Tutorial 1. For the most part, we will only be editing the macro files in this tutorial.


In the perfect world, we could use a single method to solve a single problem, and get useful results every time. Unfortunately, this can't happen in the real world, especially in High Energy Physics. Because of this, there are two collision-simulation methods that we use, (isajet and pythia) each with configurable options.

In the event that you would like to compare plots using two different configuration options for each method, using modular macros will allow you to do so without re-writing the same code in 4 separate macro files.

Additionally, paw++ has been found to produce spikes (rather than useful plots) for some unknown reason when too many events are contained in a single ntuple chain. For both isajet and pythia, this was found to happen around 700,000 events. Luckily, modular macros allow for a workaround to this problem by using several short ntuple chains rather than one long ntuple chain, and running the same base code on each chain.


With a normal macro file, paw++ reads the file from beginning to end, and executes each command along the way. The same is ultimately true for modular macros -- paw++ reads the macro you loaded starting at the beginning, and executes the commands in order. When it encounters a command like this:
exec sample2-2 2 1.2e+4 isajet
then paw++ "takes a break" from the current macro and begins executing commands from the macro "sample2-2.kumac".

The rest of the line gives paw++ parameters to insert into specified points when it runs the macro being called. These points are labeled [1], [2], [3], etc, in sample2-2.kumac, and are filled by the parameters in the exec command. Paw++ runs the macro as though these parameters had been typed directly into it.

This is what makes the macro modular, and allows you to run the same code under different conditions several times in the same run.

You see:   Paw++ sees:
nt/chain sample2 atlfast.00.ntup
cdir //sample2/atlfast
exec sample2-2 2
nt/chain -sample2
  nt/chain sample2 atlfast.00.ntup
cdir //sample2/atlfast
hi/cre/1d 1100 "# of Muons 15. 0. 15. 0.
id100 = 2100
hi/copy 1100 2100
nt/chain -sample2
hi/cre/1d 1100 "# of Muons" 15 0. 15. 0.
id100 = [1]*1000+100
hi/copy 1100 [id100]


PRO - Can run different configurations of the same basic code without changing more than a line or so.
CON - Large changes require editing two files instead of just one.
PRO - Can employ histogram addition without adding more than a few lines (extra ntuple chains)
CON - Slower. Since two files must be loaded, and the fortran file will probably be run several times before the end, modular macros can be considerably slower.


Finally, it's time to open up these macros and see what they do! Open sample2-1.kumac and sample2-2,kumac side-by-side using NEdit (see Tutorial 1), or your favorite text editor. The important thing is to have both of them on your screen at once, preferably side-by-side with sample2-1.kumac on the left and sample2-2,kumac on the right.

Read through sample2-1.kumac, paying special attention to the comments. When you come to the line that calls sample2-2.kumac, switch over and begin reading that one. At the end of sample2-2.kumac, continue reading sample2-1.kumac where you left off. This is the order that paw++ will read the files.

When you're confident that you understand how these files work together, move on to the next section.


Now it's time to run your first modular macro. Your terminal should still be in the atlas directory, so run paw++ from there. If not:
$ cd ~/atlas
$ paw++ &
In the paw++ Main Browser window, select Macros, then double-click "sample2-1.kumac". When you are prompted, click "Ok".

You should recall from reading the comments and code in sample2-2.kumac that you're processing both isajet and pythia ntuples, so you should expect two postscript files, aptly named "isajet.ps" and "pythia.ps". Issue a directory listing to make sure they're there, and print them out:
$ ls -ao
$ lpr isajet.ps pythia.ps
Now just go to the printer and pick up your plots!


Now that you know how modular macros interact, do the following:

1. Edit sample2.for - Add the functions for calculating Muon pt and Jet pt to this Fortran file, and fill the same histograms as before.

2. Edit sample2-1.kumac - Add the new histograms for Muon and Jet pt to this file

3. Edit sample2-2.kumac - Add id-numbers for your new histograms, and two "extra" id-numbers so you can create cross-sections from them as well. You should end up with a total of 10 plots. Add the new id-s to the code that creates cross-sections, then print out the 10 plots on two pages: 6 on the first page, and 4 on the second. Make sure each postscript file ends up with a unique name, so they aren't overwritten. [hint: try isajet-1.ps isajet-2.ps and pythia-1.ps pythia-2.ps]


If you need any help with this tutorial, please visit the resources listed on the menu and links above, or email hegarty@nhn.ou.edu.