
class description - source file - inheritance tree

class TTree : public TNamed, public TAttLine, public TAttFill, public TAttMarker

const Text_t* GetNameByIndex(TString& varexp, Int_t* index, Int_t colindex) const virtual void MakeIndex(TString& varexp, Int_t* index) public:
TTree TTree() TTree TTree(const Text_t* name, const Text_t* title, Int_t maxvirtualsize = 0) TTree TTree(TTree&) virtual void ~TTree() virtual void AddTotBytes(Int_t tot) virtual void AddZipBytes(Int_t zip) virtual void AutoSave() TBranch* Branch(const Text_t* name, const Text_t* classname, void* addobj, Int_t bufsize = 32000, Int_t splitlevel = 1) TBranch* Branch(const Text_t* name, void* address, const Text_t* leaflist, Int_t bufsize = 32000) TBranch* Branch(const Text_t* name, void* clonesaddress, Int_t bufsize = 32000, Int_t splitlevel = 1) virtual void Browse(TBrowser* b) virtual void BuildIndex(const char* majorname, const char* minorname) TClass* Class() virtual TTree* CloneTree(Int_t nentries = -1) virtual Int_t CopyEntries(TTree* tree, Int_t nentries = -1) virtual void Draw(const Text_t* varexp, const Text_t* selection, Option_t* option, Int_t nentries = 1000000000, Int_t firstentry = 0) virtual void Draw(TCut varexp, TCut selection, Option_t* option, Int_t nentries = 1000000000, Int_t firstentry = 0) virtual void Draw(Option_t* opt) void DropBuffers(Int_t nbytes) virtual Int_t Fill() virtual void Fit(const Text_t* formula, const Text_t* varexp, const Text_t* selection, Option_t* option, Option_t* goption, Int_t nentries = 1000000000, Int_t firstentry = 0) virtual TBranch* GetBranch(const Text_t* name) virtual Int_t GetChainOffset() const TFile* GetCurrentFile() TDirectory* GetDirectory() virtual Stat_t GetEntries() virtual Int_t GetEntry(Int_t entry = 0, Int_t getall = 0) virtual Int_t GetEntryNumber(Int_t entry) virtual Int_t GetEntryNumberWithIndex(Int_t major, Int_t minor) virtual Int_t GetEntryWithIndex(Int_t major, Int_t minor) virtual Int_t GetEstimate() const Int_t GetEvent(Int_t entry = 0, Int_t getall = 0) TEventList* GetEventList() TH1* GetHistogram() virtual Int_t* GetIndex() virtual Double_t* GetIndexValues() virtual TLeaf* GetLeaf(const Text_t* name) virtual TList* GetListOfActiveBranches() virtual TObjArray* GetListOfBranches() virtual TObjArray* GetListOfLeaves() virtual Int_t GetMaxEntryLoop() virtual Float_t GetMaximum(Text_t* columname) virtual Int_t GetMaxVirtualSize() virtual Float_t GetMinimum(Text_t* columname) virtual Int_t GetNbranches() virtual Int_t GetPacketSize() const TVirtualTreePlayer* GetPlayer() virtual Int_t GetReadEntry() virtual Int_t GetReadEvent() virtual Int_t GetScanField() TTreeFormula* GetSelect() virtual Int_t GetSelectedRows() virtual Stat_t GetTotBytes() virtual TTree* GetTree() virtual Int_t GetUpdate() virtual Float_t* GetV1() virtual Float_t* GetV2() virtual Float_t* GetV3() TTreeFormula* GetVar1() TTreeFormula* GetVar2() TTreeFormula* GetVar3() TTreeFormula* GetVar4() virtual Double_t* GetW() virtual Stat_t GetZipBytes() virtual void IncrementTotalBuffers(Int_t nbytes) virtual TClass* IsA() const virtual Bool_t IsFolder() virtual Int_t LoadTree(Int_t entry) virtual void Loop(Option_t* option, Int_t nentries = 1000000000, Int_t firstentry = 0) virtual Int_t MakeClass(const char* classname = 0) virtual Int_t MakeCode(const char* filename = 0) Bool_t MemoryFull(Int_t nbytes) virtual void Print(Option_t* option) virtual void Project(const Text_t* hname, const Text_t* varexp, const Text_t* selection, Option_t* option, Int_t nentries = 1000000000, Int_t firstentry = 0) virtual void Reset(Option_t* option) virtual void Scan(const Text_t* varexp, const Text_t* selection, Option_t* option, Int_t nentries = 1000000000, Int_t firstentry = 0) virtual void SetAutoSave(Int_t autosave = 10000000) virtual void SetBasketSize(const Text_t* bname, Int_t buffsize = 16000) virtual void SetBranchAddress(const Text_t* bname, void* add) virtual void SetBranchStatus(const Text_t* bname, Bool_t status = 1) virtual void SetChainOffset(Int_t offset = 0) virtual void SetDirectory(TDirectory* dir) virtual void SetEstimate(Int_t nentries = 10000) virtual void SetEventList(TEventList* list) virtual void SetMaxEntryLoop(Int_t maxev = 1000000000) virtual void SetMaxVirtualSize(Int_t size = 0) virtual void SetName(const Text_t* name) virtual void SetScanField(Int_t n = 50) virtual void SetTimerInterval(Int_t msec = 333) virtual void SetUpdate(Int_t freq = 0) virtual void Show(Int_t entry = -1) virtual void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent) virtual void StartViewer(Int_t ww = 520, Int_t wh = 400) virtual void Streamer(TBuffer& b) virtual void UpdateActiveBranches()

Data Members

Int_t fScanField Number of runs before prompting in Scan Int_t fUpdate Update frequency for EntryLoop Int_t fMaxEntryLoop Maximum number of entries to process Int_t fMaxVirtualSize Maximum total size of buffers kept in memory Int_t fAutoSave Autosave tree when fAutoSave bytes produced Stat_t fEntries Number of entries Stat_t fTotBytes Total number of bytes in all branches before compression Stat_t fZipBytes Total number of bytes in all branches after compression Stat_t fSavedBytes Number of autosaved bytes Int_t fChainOffset Offset of 1st entry of this Tree in a TChain Int_t fReadEntry Number of the entry being processed Int_t fTotalBuffers Total number of bytes in branch buffers Int_t fEstimate Number of entries to estimate histogram limits Int_t fDimension Dimension of the current expression Int_t fPacketSize Number of entries in one packet for parallel root TDirectory* fDirectory Pointer to directory holding this tree TObjArray fBranches List of Branches TObjArray fLeaves Direct pointers to individual branch leaves TList* fActiveBranches List of active branches TEventList* fEventList Pointer to event selection list (if one) Int_t fNfill Local for EntryLoop Int_t fTimerInterval Timer interval in milliseconds TArrayD fIndexValues Sorted index values TArrayI fIndex Index of sorted values TVirtualTreePlayer* fPlayer Pointer to current Tree player

See also

TChain, TNtuple

Class Description

  a TTree object has a header with a name and a title.
  It consists of a list of independent branches (TBranch). Each branch
  has its own definition and list of buffers. Branch buffers may be
  automatically written to disk or kept in memory until the Tree attribute
  fMaxVirtualSize is reached.
  Variables of one branch are written to the same buffer.
  A branch buffer is automatically compressed if the file compression
  attribute is set (default).

  Branches may be written to different files (see TBranch::SetFile).

  The ROOT user can decide to make one single branch and serialize one
  object into one single I/O buffer or to make several branches.
  Making one single branch and one single buffer can be the right choice
  when one wants to process only a subset of all entries in the tree.
  (you know for example the list of entry numbers you want to process).
  Making several branches is particularly interesting in the data analysis
  phase, when one wants to histogram some attributes of an object (entry)
  without reading all the attributes.



  ==> TTree *tree = new TTree(name, title, maxvirtualsize)
     Creates a Tree with name and title. Maxvirtualsize is by default 64Mbytes,
     maxvirtualsize = 64000000(default) means: Keeps as many buffers in memory until
     the sum of all buffers is greater than 64 Megabyte. When this happens,
     memory buffers are written to disk and deleted until the size of all
     buffers is again below the threshold.
     maxvirtualsize = 0 means: keep only one buffer in memory.

     Various kinds of branches can be added to a tree:
       A - simple structures or list of variables. (may be for C or Fortran structures)
       B - any object (inheriting from TObject). (we expect this option be the most frequent)
       C - a ClonesArray. (a specialized object for collections of same class objects)

  ==> Case A
     TBranch *branch = tree->Branch(branchname,address, leaflist, bufsize)
       * address is the address of the first item of a structure
       * leaflist is the concatenation of all the variable names and types
         separated by a colon character :
         The variable name and the variable type are separated by a slash (/).
         The variable type may be 0,1 or 2 characters. If no type is given,
         the type of the variable is assumed to be the same as the previous
         variable. If the first variable does not have a type, it is assumed
         of type F by default. The list of currently supported types is given below:
            - C : a character string terminated by the 0 character
            - B : an 8 bit signed integer (Char_t)
            - b : an 8 bit unsigned integer (UChar_t)
            - S : a 16 bit signed integer (Short_t)
            - s : a 16 bit unsigned integer (UShort_t)
            - I : a 32 bit signed integer (Int_t)
            - i : a 32 bit unsigned integer (UInt_t)
            - F : a 32 bit floating point (Float_t)
            - D : a 64 bit floating point (Double_t)

  ==> Case B
     TBranch *branch = tree->Branch(branchname,className,object, bufsize, splitlevel)
          object is the address of a pointer to an existing object (derived from TObject).
        if splitlevel=1 (default), this branch will automatically be split
          into subbranches, with one subbranch for each data member or object
          of the object itself. In case the object member is a TClonesArray,
          the mechanism described in case C is applied to this array.
        if splitlevel=0, the object is serialized in the branch buffer.

  ==> Case C
     TBranch *branch = tree->Branch(branchname,clonesarray, bufsize, splitlevel)
         clonesarray is the address of a pointer to a TClonesArray.
         The TClonesArray is a direct access list of objects of the same class.
         For example, if the TClonesArray is an array of TTrack objects,
         this function will create one subbranch for each data member of
         the object TTrack.

  ==> branch->SetAddress(Void *address)
      In case of dynamic structures changing with each entry for example, one must
      redefine the branch address before filling the branch again.
      This is done via the TBranch::SetAddress member function.

  ==> tree->Fill()
      loops on all defined branches and for each branch invokes the Fill function.

         See also the class TNtuple (a simple Tree with only one branch)



*-*-*-*-*-*-*A simple example with histograms and a tree*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*          ===========================================

  This program creates :
    - a one dimensional histogram
    - a two dimensional histogram
    - a profile histogram
    - a tree

  These objects are filled with some random numbers and saved on a file.


 #include "TROOT.h"
 #include "TFile.h"
 #include "TH1.h"
 #include "TH2.h"
 #include "TProfile.h"
 #include "TRandom.h"
 #include "TTree.h"

 TROOT simple("simple","Histograms and trees");

 main(int argc, char **argv)
 // Create a new ROOT binary machine independent file.
 // Note that this file may contain any kind of ROOT objects, histograms,trees
 // pictures, graphics objects, detector geometries, tracks, events, etc..
 // This file is now becoming the current directory.
   TFile hfile("htree.root","RECREATE","Demo ROOT file with histograms & trees");

 // Create some histograms and a profile histogram
   TH1F *hpx   = new TH1F("hpx","This is the px distribution",100,-4,4);
   TH2F *hpxpy = new TH2F("hpxpy","py ps px",40,-4,4,40,-4,4);
   TProfile *hprof = new TProfile("hprof","Profile of pz versus px",100,-4,4,0,20);

 // Define some simple structures
   typedef struct {Float_t x,y,z;} POINT;
   typedef struct {
      Int_t ntrack,nseg,nvertex;
      UInt_t flag;
      Float_t temperature;
   } EVENTN;
   static POINT point;
   static EVENTN eventn;

 // Create a ROOT Tree
   TTree *tree = new TTree("T","An example of ROOT tree with a few branches");

   Float_t px,py,pz;
   static Float_t p[3];

 //--------------------Here we start a loop on 1000 events
   for ( Int_t i=0; i<1000; i++) {
      pz = px*px + py*py;
      Float_t random = gRandom->::Rndm(1);

 //         Fill histograms

 //         Fill structures
      p[0] = px;
      p[1] = py;
      p[2] = pz;
      point.x = 10*(random-1);;
      point.y = 5*random;
      point.z = 20*random;
      eventn.ntrack  = Int_t(100*random);
      eventn.nseg    = Int_t(2*eventn.ntrack);
      eventn.nvertex = 1;
      eventn.flag    = Int_t(random+0.5);
      eventn.temperature = 20+random;

 //        Fill the tree. For each event, save the 2 structures and 3 objects
 //      In this simple example, the objects hpx, hprof and hpxpy are slightly
 //      different from event to event. We expect a big compression factor!
  //--------------End of the loop


 // Save all objects in this file

 // Close the file. Note that this is automatically done when you leave
 // the application.

   return 0;

TTree(): TNamed()
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Default Tree constructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                  ========================

TTree(const Text_t *name,const Text_t *title, Int_t maxvirtualsize) :TNamed(name,title)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Normal Tree constructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                ======================

   The Tree is created in the current directory
   Use the various functions Branch below to add branches to this Tree.

*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Tree destructor*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                  =================

void AutoSave()
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*AutoSave tree header every fAutoSave bytes*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                  ==========================================

   When large Trees are produced, it is safe to activate the AutoSave
   procedure. Some branches may have buffers holding many entries.
   AutoSave is automatically called by TTree::Fill when the number of bytes
   generated since the previous AutoSave is greater than fAutoSave bytes.
   This function may also be invoked by the user, for example every
   N entries.
   Each AutoSave generates a new key on the file.
   Once the key with the tree header has been written, the previous cycle
   (if any) is deleted.

   Note that calling TTree::AutoSave too frequently (or similarly calling
   TTree::SetAutoSave with a small value) is an expensive operation.
   You should make tests for your own application to find a compromize
   between speed and the quantity of information you may loose in case of
   a job crash.

   In case your program crashes before closing the file holding this tree,
   the file will be automatically recovered when you will connect the file
   in UPDATE mode.
   The Tree will be recovered at the status corresponding to the last AutoSave.

TBranch* Branch(const Text_t *name, void *address, const Text_t *leaflist,Int_t bufsize)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Create a new TTree Branch*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                  =========================

     This Branch constructor is provided to support non-objects in
     a Tree. The variables described in leaflist may be simple variables
     or structures.
    See the two following constructors for writing objects in a Tree.

    By default the branch buffers are stored in the same file as the Tree.
    use TBranch::SetFile to specify a different file

TBranch* Branch(const Text_t *name, const Text_t *classname, void *addobj, Int_t bufsize, Int_t splitlevel)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Create a new TTree BranchObject*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                  ===============================

    Build a TBranchObject for an object of class classname.
    addobj is the address of a pointer to an object of class classname.
    IMPORTANT: classname must derive from TObject.

    This option requires access to the library where the corresponding class
    is defined. Accessing one single data member in the object implies
    reading the full object.
    See the next Branch constructor for a more efficient storage
    in case the entry consists of arrays of identical objects.

    By default the branch buffers are stored in the same file as the Tree.
    use TBranch::SetFile to specify a different file

TBranch* Branch(const Text_t *name, void *clonesaddress, Int_t bufsize, Int_t splitlevel)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Create a new TTree BranchClones*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                  ===============================

    name:    global name of this BranchClones
    bufsize: buffersize in bytes of each individual data member buffer
    clonesaddress is the address of a pointer to a TClonesArray.

    This Tree option is provided in case each entry consists of one
    or more arrays of same class objects (tracks, hits,etc).
    This function creates as many branches as there are public data members
    in the objects pointed by the TClonesArray. Note that these data members
    can be only basic data types, not pointers or objects.

    BranchClones have the following advantages compared to the two other
    solutions (Branch and BranchObject).
      - When reading the Tree data, it is possible to read selectively
        a subset of one object (may be just one single data member).
      - This solution minimizes the number of objects created/destructed.
      - Data members of the same type are consecutive in the basket buffers,
        therefore optimizing the compression algorithm.
      - Array processing notation becomes possible in the query language.

    By default the branch buffers are stored in the same file as the Tree.
    use TBranch::SetFile to specify a different file

void Browse(TBrowser *b)

void BuildIndex(const char *majorname, const char *minorname)
 Build an index table using the leaves with name: major & minor name
 The index is built in the following way:
    A pass on all entries is made using TTree::Draw
    var1 = majorname
    var2 = minorname
    sel  = majorname +minorname*1e-9
    The standard result from TTree::Draw is stored in fV1, fV2 and fW
    Thew array fW is sorted into fIndex
  Once the index is computed, one can retrieve one entry via
    TTree:GetEntryWithIndex(majornumber, minornumber)
  tree.BuildIndex("Run","Event"); //creates an index using leaves Run and Event
  tree.GetEntryWithIndex(1234,56789); //reads entry corresponding to
                                        Run=1234 and Event=56789

 Note that once the index is built, it can be saved with the TTree object
 with tree.Write(); //if the file has been open in "update" mode.

 The most convenient place to create the index is at the end of
 the filling process just before saving the Tree header.
 If a previous index was computed, it is redefined by this new call.

 Note that this function can also be applied to a TChain.

TTree* CloneTree(Int_t nentries)
 Create a clone of this tree and copy nentries
 By default copy all entries

 IMPORTANT: Before invoking this function, the branch addresses
            of this TTree must have been set.
 For examples of CloneTree, see tutorials
    Example of Root macro to copy a subset of a Tree to a new Tree
    The input file has been generated by the program in $ROOTSYS/test/Event
    with   Event 1000 1 1 1
    Example of Root macro to copy a subset of a Tree to a new Tree
    One branch of the new Tree is written to a separate file
    The input file has been generated by the program in $ROOTSYS/test/Event
    with   Event 1000 1 1 1

Int_t CopyEntries(TTree *tree, Int_t nentries)
 Copy nentries from tree to this tree
 By default copy all entries
 Return number of bytes copied to this tree.

void Draw(TCut varexp, TCut selection, Option_t *option, Int_t nentries, Int_t firstentry)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Draw expression varexp for specified entries-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                  ===========================================

      This function accepts TCut objects as arguments.
      Useful to use the string operator +

void Draw(const Text_t *varexp, const Text_t *selection, Option_t *option,Int_t nentries, Int_t firstentry)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Draw expression varexp for specified entries-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                  ===========================================

  varexp is an expression of the general form e1:e2:e3
    where e1,etc is a formula referencing a combination of the columns
     varexp = x     simplest case: draw a 1-Dim distribution of column named x
            = sqrt(x)            : draw distribution of sqrt(x)
            = x*y/z
            = y:sqrt(x) 2-Dim dsitribution of y versus sqrt(x)
  Note that the variables e1, e2 or e3 may contain a selection.
  example, if e1= x*(y<0), the value histogrammed will be x if y<0
  and will be 0 otherwise.

  selection is an expression with a combination of the columns.
  In a selection all the C++ operators are authorized.
  The value corresponding to the selection expression is used as a weight
  to fill the histogram.
  If the expression includes only boolean operations, the result
  is 0 or 1. If the result is 0, the histogram is not filled.
  In general, the expression may be of the form:
      value*(boolean expression)
  if boolean expression is true, the histogram is filled with
  a weight = value.
      selection1 = "x<y && sqrt(z)>3.2"
      selection2 = "(x+y)*(sqrt(z)>3.2"
  selection1 returns a weigth = 0 or 1
  selection2 returns a weight = x+y if sqrt(z)>3.2
             returns a weight = 0 otherwise.

  option is the drawing option
      see TH1::Draw for the list of all drawing options.
      If option contains the string "goff", no graphics is generated.

  nentries is the number of entries to process (default is all)
  first is the first entry to process (default is 0)

     Saving the result of Draw to an histogram
  By default the temporary histogram created is called htemp.
  If varexp0 contains >>hnew (following the variable(s) name(s),
  the new histogram created is called hnew and it is kept in the current
    will draw sqrt(x) and save the histogram as "hsqrt" in the current

  By default, the specified histogram is reset.
  To continue to append data to an existing histogram, use "+" in front
  of the histogram name;
      will not reset hsqrt, but will continue filling.

     Making a Profile histogram
  In case of a 2-Dim expression, one can generate a TProfile histogram
  instead of a TH2F histogram by specyfying option=prof or option=profs.
  The option=prof is automatically selected in case of y:x>>pf
  where pf is an existing TProfile histogram.

     Saving the result of Draw to a TEventList
  TTree::Draw can be used to fill a TEventList object (list of entry numbers)
  instead of histogramming one variable.
  If varexp0 has the form >>elist , a TEventList object named "elist"
  is created in the current directory. elist will contain the list
  of entry numbers satisfying the current selection.
    will create a TEventList object named "yplus" in the current directory.
    In an interactive session, one can type (after TTree::Draw)
    to print the list of entry numbers in the list.

  By default, the specified entry list is reset.
  To continue to append data to an existing list, use "+" in front
  of the list name;
      will not reset yplus, but will enter the selected entries at the end
      of the existing list.

      Using a TEventList as Input
  Once a TEventList object has been generated, it can be used as input
  for TTree::Draw. Use TTree::SetEventList to set the current event list
     TEventList *elist = (TEventList*)gDirectory->Get("yplus");

  Note: Use tree->SetEventList(0) if you do not want use the list as input.

      How to obtain more info from TTree::Draw

  Once TTree::Draw has been called, it is possible to access useful
  information still stored in the TTree object via the following functions:
    -GetSelectedRows()    // return the number of entries accepted by the
                          //selection expression. In case where no selection
                          //was specified, returns the number of entries processed.
    -GetV1()              //returns a pointer to the float array of V1
    -GetV2()              //returns a pointer to the float array of V2
    -GetV3()              //returns a pointer to the float array of V3
    -GetW()               //returns a pointer to the double array of Weights
                          //where weight equal the result of the selection expression.
   where V1,V2,V3 correspond to the expressions in

    Root > ntuple->Draw("py:px","pz>4");
    Root > TGraph *gr = new TGraph(ntuple->GetSelectedRows(),
                                   ntuple->GetV2(), ntuple->GetV1());
    Root > gr->Draw("ap"); //draw graph in current pad
    creates a TGraph object with a number of points corresponding to the
    number of entries selected by the expression "pz>4", the x points of the graph
    being the px values of the Tree and the y points the py values.

   Important note: By default TTree::Draw creates the arrays obtained
    with GetV1, GetV2, GetV3, GetW with a length corresponding to the
    parameter fEstimate. By default fEstimate=10000 and can be modified
    via TTree::SetEstimate. A possible recipee is to do
    You must call SetEstimate if the expected number of selected rows
    is greater than 10000.

    You can use the option "goff" to turn off the graphics output
    of TTree::Draw in the above example.

           Automatic interface to TTree::Draw via the TTreeViewer

    A complete graphical interface to this function is implemented
    in the class TTreeViewer.
    To start the TTreeViewer, three possibilities:
       - select TTree context menu item "StartViewer"
       - type the command  "TTreeViewer TV(treeName)"
       - execute statement "tree->StartViewer();"

void DropBuffers(Int_t)
*-*-*-*-*Drop branch buffers to accomodate nbytes below MaxVirtualsize*-*-*-*

Int_t Fill()
*-*-*-*-*Fill all branches of a Tree*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*      ===========================

   This function loops on all the branches of this tree.
   For each branch, it copies to the branch buffer (basket) the current
   values of the leaves data types.
   If a leaf is a simple data type, a simple conversion to a machine
   independent format has to be done.

void Fit(const Text_t *formula ,const Text_t *varexp, const Text_t *selection,Option_t *option ,Option_t *goption,Int_t nentries, Int_t firstentry)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Fit  a projected item(s) from a Tree*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              ======================================

  formula is a TF1 expression.

  See TTree::Draw for explanations of the other parameters.

  By default the temporary histogram created is called htemp.
  If varexp contains >>hnew , the new histogram created is called hnew
  and it is kept in the current directory.
    will fit sqrt(x) and save the histogram as "hsqrt" in the current

TBranch* GetBranch(const Text_t *name)
*-*-*-*-*-*Return pointer to the branch with name*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*        ======================================

TFile* GetCurrentFile()
*-*-*-*-*-*Return pointer to the current file*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*        ==================================

Int_t GetEntry(Int_t entry, Int_t getall)
*-*-*-*-*-*Read all branches of entry and return total number of bytes*-*-*
*-*        ===========================================================
     getall = 0 : get only active branches
     getall = 1 : get all branches

Int_t GetEntryNumber(Int_t entry)
*-*-*-*-*-*Return entry number corresponding to entry*-*-*
*-*        ==========================================
     if no selection list returns entry
     else returns the entry number corresponding to the list index=entry

Int_t GetEntryNumberWithIndex(Int_t major, Int_t minor)
 Return entry number corresponding to major and minor number
 Note that this function returns only the entry number, not the data
 To read the data corresponding to an entry number, use TTree::GetEntryWithIndex

Int_t GetEntryWithIndex(Int_t major, Int_t minor)
 Return entry  corresponding to major and minor number
 For example:
     Int_t run   = 1234;
     Int_t event = 345;
     Int_t serial= tree.GetEntryNumberWithIndex(run,event);
    now the variable serial is in the range [0,nentries] and one can do

TLeaf* GetLeaf(const Text_t *name)
*-*-*-*-*-*Return pointer to the 1st Leaf named name in any Branch-*-*-*-*-*
*-*        =======================================================

Float_t GetMaximum(Text_t *columname)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return maximum of column with name columname*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              ============================================

Float_t GetMinimum(Text_t *columname)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return minimum of column with name columname*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              ============================================

const Text_t* GetNameByIndex(TString &varexp, Int_t *index,Int_t colindex)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Return name corresponding to colindex in varexp*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              ===============================================

   varexp is a string of names separated by :
   index is an array with pointers to the start of name[i] in varexp

TVirtualTreePlayer* GetPlayer()
 Load the TTreePlayer (if not already done)
 Pointer to player is fPlayer

Int_t LoadTree(Int_t entry)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Set current Tree entry
*-*              ======================

void Loop(Option_t *option, Int_t nentries, Int_t firstentry)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Loop on nentries of this tree starting at firstentry
*-*              ===================================================

Int_t MakeClass(const char *classname)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*Generate skeleton analysis class for this Tree*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*          ==============================================

   The following files are produced: classname.h and classname.C
   if classname is NULL, classname will be nameoftree.

   The generated code in classname.h includes the following:
      - Identification of the original Tree and Input file name
      - Definition of analysis class (data and functions)
      - the following class functions:
         -constructor (connecting by default the Tree file)
         -GetEntry(Int_t entry)
         -Init(TTree *tree) to initialize a new TTree
         -Show(Int_t entry) to read and Dump entry

   The generated code in classname.C includes only the main
   analysis function Loop.

   To use this function:
      - connect your Tree file (eg: TFile f("myfile.root");)
      - T->MakeClass("MyClass");
    where T is the name of the Tree in file myfile.root
    and MyClass.h, MyClass.C the name of the files created by this function.
   In a Root session, you can do:
      Root > .L MyClass.C
      Root > MyClass t
      Root > t.GetEntry(12); // Fill t data members with entry number 12
      Root > t.Show();       // Show values of entry 12
      Root > t.Show(16);     // Read and show values of entry 16
      Root > t.Loop();       // Loop on all entries


Int_t MakeCode(const char *filename)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Generate skeleton function for this Tree*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              ========================================

   The function code is written on filename
   if filename is NULL, filename will be nameoftree.C

   The generated code includes the following:
      - Identification of the original Tree and Input file name
      - Connection of the Tree file
      - Declaration of Tree variables
      - Setting of branches addresses
      - a skeleton for the entry loop

   To use this function:
      - connect your Tree file (eg: TFile f("myfile.root");)
      - T->MakeCode("anal.C");
    where T is the name of the Tree in file myfile.root
    and anal.C the name of the file created by this function.

   NOTE: Since the implementation of this function, a new and better
         function TTree::MakeClass has been developped.

          Author: Rene Brun

void MakeIndex(TString &varexp, Int_t *index)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Build Index array for names in varexp*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              =====================================

Bool_t MemoryFull(Int_t nbytes)
*-*-*-*-*-*Check if adding nbytes to memory we are still below MaxVirtualsize
*-*        ==================================================================

void Print(Option_t *option)
 Print a summary of the Tree contents. In case options are "p" or "pa"
 print information about the TPacketGenerator ("pa" is equivalent to

void Project(const Text_t *hname, const Text_t *varexp, const Text_t *selection, Option_t *option,Int_t nentries, Int_t firstentry)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Make a projection of a Tree using selections*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              =============================================

   Depending on the value of varexp (described in Draw) a 1-D,2-D,etc
   projection of the Tree will be filled in histogram hname.
   Note that the dimension of hname must match with the dimension of varexp.

void Reset(Option_t *option)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Reset buffers and entries count in all branches/leaves*-*-*
*-*            ======================================================

void Scan(const Text_t *varexp, const Text_t *selection, Option_t *option, Int_t nentries, Int_t firstentry)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Loop on Tree & print entries following selection*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              ===============================================

void SetBasketSize(const Text_t *bname, Int_t buffsize)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Set branc(es) basket size*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              =========================

     bname is the name of a branch.
     if bname="*", apply to all branches.
     if bname="xxx*", apply to all branches with name starting with xxx
     see TRegexp for wildcarding options
     buffsize = branc basket size

void SetBranchAddress(const Text_t *bname, void *add)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Set branch address*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              ==================

      If object is a TTree, this function is only an interface to TBranch::SetAddress
      Function overloaded by TChain.

void SetBranchStatus(const Text_t *bname, Bool_t status)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Set branch status Process or DoNotProcess*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              =========================================

     bname is the name of a branch.
     if bname="*", apply to all branches.
     if bname="xxx*", apply to all branches with name starting with xxx
     see TRegexp for wildcarding options
      status = 1  branch will be processed
             = 0  branch will not be processed

void SetDirectory(TDirectory *dir)
 Remove reference to this tree from current directory and add
 reference to new directory dir. dir can be 0 in which case the tree
 does not belong to any directory.

void SetEstimate(Int_t n)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Set number of entries to estimate variable limits*-*-*-*
*-*              ================================================

void SetName(const Text_t *name)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Change the name of this Tree*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*                  ============================

void Show(Int_t entry)
*-*-*-*-*-*Print values of all active leaves for entry*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*        ===========================================
 if entry==-1, print current entry (default)

void StartViewer(Int_t ww, Int_t wh)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Start the TTreeViewer on this TTree*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              ===================================

  ww is the width of the canvas in pixels
  wh is the height of the canvas in pixels

void Streamer(TBuffer &b)
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Stream a class object*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              =========================================

void UpdateActiveBranches()
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Build the list of active branches*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
*-*              =================================

   Scan all branches and enter branches with active status in fActiveBranches.

Inline Functions

                 void AddTotBytes(Int_t tot)
                 void AddZipBytes(Int_t zip)
                 void Draw(const Text_t* varexp, const Text_t* selection, Option_t* option, Int_t nentries = 1000000000, Int_t firstentry = 0)
                Int_t GetChainOffset() const
          TDirectory* GetDirectory()
               Stat_t GetEntries()
                Int_t GetEstimate() const
                Int_t GetEvent(Int_t entry = 0, Int_t getall = 0)
          TEventList* GetEventList()
                 TH1* GetHistogram()
               Int_t* GetIndex()
            Double_t* GetIndexValues()
               TList* GetListOfActiveBranches()
           TObjArray* GetListOfBranches()
           TObjArray* GetListOfLeaves()
                Int_t GetMaxEntryLoop()
                Int_t GetMaxVirtualSize()
                Int_t GetNbranches()
                Int_t GetPacketSize() const
                Int_t GetReadEntry()
                Int_t GetReadEvent()
                Int_t GetScanField()
        TTreeFormula* GetSelect()
                Int_t GetSelectedRows()
               TTree* GetTree()
                Int_t GetUpdate()
        TTreeFormula* GetVar1()
        TTreeFormula* GetVar2()
        TTreeFormula* GetVar3()
        TTreeFormula* GetVar4()
             Float_t* GetV1()
             Float_t* GetV2()
             Float_t* GetV3()
            Double_t* GetW()
               Stat_t GetTotBytes()
               Stat_t GetZipBytes()
                 void IncrementTotalBuffers(Int_t nbytes)
               Bool_t IsFolder()
                 void SetAutoSave(Int_t autosave = 10000000)
                 void SetChainOffset(Int_t offset = 0)
                 void SetEventList(TEventList* list)
                 void SetMaxEntryLoop(Int_t maxev = 1000000000)
                 void SetMaxVirtualSize(Int_t size = 0)
                 void SetScanField(Int_t n = 50)
                 void SetTimerInterval(Int_t msec = 333)
                 void SetUpdate(Int_t freq = 0)
              TClass* Class()
              TClass* IsA() const
                 void ShowMembers(TMemberInspector& insp, char* parent)
                TTree TTree(TTree&)

Author: Rene Brun 12/01/96
Last update: 2.23/08 01/11/99 22.33.08 by Rene Brun
Copyright (c) 1995-1999, The ROOT System, All rights reserved. *

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